Page 126 of Melinda's Choice

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“I’ll do the same.”

An instant later, his form appears projected before me. I soak in his familiar, easy smile, the rumpled blond hair and twinkling blue eyes. “Oh Wyatt, you’re a sight for sore eyes.”

“And you too honey.”

I settle myself down on the end of the bed and adjust the communicator screen so Wyatt can see all of me. His eyes widen in bemusement on my semi-naked, inked form. “Holy shit, Mel. What have you done to yourself?”

I look down at the art on my body and grin. “It’s called going native, Wyatt.”

“You’ve been walking around town looking like that?” He looks genuinely shocked.

“Yep. It’s no big deal. Everyone else is similarly dressed, so I don’t stick out—at least not much.”

“You’ve never even sunbathed topless on a beach. Wow. This is a lot to take in.”

“This is the new, body confident me. Do you approve?”

He gazes at me in wonderment, then huffs, “Hell yes, sweetheart you look amazing! I just never thought this was something you would do, that’s all.”

“Well, I wouldn’t on Earth, but it’s different here.”

“I bet!”

“So, I hear you’re only a few days away from getting here and that you’re coming with a load of dancers and actors to put on some shows.”

“And that’s not all,” he says, looking smug. “I’ve also got Ricky Charles with me.”


“Yes! Can you believe it? I read somewhere of his interest in visiting other worlds and so I took a chance and contacted his agent.”

“You have got Ricky Charles to come here to Krovatia to perform a concert?”


I’m speechless. Ricky Charles is one of the biggest rock stars on Earth. I can’t believe he managed to get him to come. Then on second thoughts I remember just how talented Wyatt was in the business world before he quit it. If anyone could do it, it’s him.

I shake my head in wonderment. “Wyatt, that’s amazing. I’m so proud of you!”

He beams at me. “Thanks, Mel. That means a lot.”

Time to get serious. “Wyatt, it’s incredible what you’ve achieved in a few short weeks. Overcoming your fear, setting up a new business, coming here. I am so proud and so happy for you, but there’s something you should know.”

His face falls. “What is it Mel?”

There’s no easy way to say it, so I just spit it out. “I’ve met someone here and fallen in love. We’re going to be mated.”

“Oh.” He stares at me, bewildered and stricken. “How did this happen so quickly? You’ve been here less than two months. I thought we still had a chance.”

“I’m sorry Wyatt. I don’t know what to say. Yes, it was quick. He’s the sicortar, the head priest here.”

“The one that sucked the evil out of Avery?”

“That’s him. His name is Kirimor.”

“Are you sure about this Mel?”

“As sure as I can be of anything.”
