Page 137 of Melinda's Choice

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“Most of my stuff is now at my new home with Kirimor, but I’ve kept some human clothing here for occasions like these, when I need to go out on official business.”

With no awkwardness, she strips off her loin cloth and I catch sight of something glinting on her mound. “What’s that?” I can’t help but ask.

She looks down at herself, then at me apologetically. “Kirimor insisted on removing the old piercing and replacing it with his own piece of jewelry. He’s a possessive guy.”

“Oh,” I say, feeling deflated for some reason. She’s marrying the guy. Of course he’s got every right to want to mark her as his own. “May I see?”

She nods. “Sure.”

I walk towards her and kneel, eyes level with her pussy. Where my piercing used to be is now a new set of barbells with purple-pink gem stones on each end. She’s also got a pendant of those pink gem stones draped all around her hips. “Very pretty,” I say.

I stand and let her pull on her panties, then the rest of her clothes. Once dressed, she faces me, expression cloudy. “I’m sorry Wyatt. I know those piercings meant something, but it was time for a new start. I’ve made my choice, honey. I want to be with him.”

“I know, Mel. You don’t have to explain. Come on, let’s go.”

Chapter 41


My cute boy is safe. Krovatia is a friendly planet and this male, Kirimor, will protect him. I am certain of it. I am good at reading people. And yet, I am finding it difficult to leave him. I have a business to run and profits to make. It has been agreed that while the Humans stay on Krovatia for their shows, I can complete some short haul cargo runs, then return to pick them up for their onward journey to Ven. Really, there is nothing here to concern me. We must get going. Across from me, Shular waits patiently for my command.

“Engage the thrusters, and let us be on our way,” I say finally.

He nods his head and follows my instruction. Our ship begins to move, gathering speed. I sit in my seat, heart pounding inexplicably. Something is not right. “Bring us to a stop and put us in cloaked mode!”

Shular casts a puzzled glance at me but obeys my command. Once we have stopped and hidden our presence with the cloaking technology that we use, he turns to me. “What is it Rivlor?”

I return my old friend’s gaze. “I do not know, Shular. It is a feeling I have that something is not right.”

“You think the Krovatians will harm the Humans?”

“No. I do not believe so.”

“Then what is it?”

“I cannot explain. Please humor me and let us wait awhile.”

“Very well Rivlor, but how long do you propose we wait like this?”

“I cannot say. Perhaps no more than a quarter rotation. I have a feeling something is about to happen.”

Vonlar, his nephew and another member of my crew, speaks now, “I have every faith in your instincts Rivlor, which have never been wrong so far. If you think we should wait, then that is what we shall do.”

We settle down to wait, for what I do not know. To distract myself, I pull out my communicator and begin to read. It is hard to maintain my focus on the story. Every so often, I stop to look at our sensor readings, but there is nothing new. With a sigh, I force my attention back to the story I am reading. It is by an author I like, so I should not be finding it so hard to engage with.

Suddenly, the ship lurches as a wave of energy hits us.

“What was that?” I rap out sharply.

“Something has just passed close to us. A cloaked ship I think,” replies Vonlar.

We are hit with a second wave of energy.

“Another ship,” states Shular.

Two more ships pass us, which brings the total to four unknown alien ships clustered just outside the force field that shields the planet of Krovatia.

“Who could it be?” wonders Vonlar aloud.
