Page 138 of Melinda's Choice

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“It cannot be a friendly presence,” I say dryly. “Going on recent history, my money would be on the ships being Saraxian.”

“The Saraxians are kin to the Krovatians. Why would they want to attack them?”

I think about it. “Perhaps it is because Krovatia has a commodity they desire and are in short supply of.”

“Dorenium,” mutters Shular.

“They will not get through the force field,” observes Vonlar. “Krovatians have some of the best security in this quadrant.”

“That is very true,” I say. “Perhaps they know something we do not.”

Shular looks at me quizzically. “What are you thinking, Rivlor?”

“Could there be Krovatians working on the inside with their kin, the Saraxians? The ties of family bonds can be strong and it is only seven decades since Krovatia was colonized. It is not impossible that some of the settlers stayed in touch with their kin on Sarax.”

“You are thinking that someone on the inside will cause the force field to be lowered and allow the Saraxians entry?”

“It is a probability,” I say, taking hold of my communicator. Using the secure, encrypted line that we established between our people who came to live on Krovatia and our home planet, I make a call to Pravol.

He answers me straight away. “Rivlor, good tidings to you. Is all well?”

“There is a concerning situation, Pravol. We are on the edge of the force field protecting Krovatia, in our cloaked state. We have just felt four cloaked ships pass us, presumably unfriendly.”


“That is my best guess.”

“They will not be able to get through the force field. It is one of the best in the galaxy.”

“Unless there is someone on Krovatia working with them. Can you open a secure communication with the Krovatian authorities and inform them of what I have seen? I do not want to hail them myself, in case we are intercepted.”

“Of course, I will do so straight away.”

“Pravol, if that force field is lowered, then I shall fire in that direction with all the fire power I have in my possession. I should be able to take down one ship, maybe two, but the other two would get through.”


“One more thing. Whatever happens, please look after Wyatt. Is he in the house with you?”

I see Pravol turn to his mate, my cousin Treylor, and ask, “Have you seen Wyatt?”

“He left with Troy and Melinda just two beats ago.”

“Do you know where they were going? We have to bring them back to safety with us.”

“Oh my holy lord Lir! They have gone to visit the command center.”

“Is that the place which controls the force field?” I snap.

“Yes! I need to contact the authorities now, Rivlor.”


I end the communication and stand, feeling agitated. Turning to Shular, I say, “Get our weapons online. Make sure we are ready to fire as soon as the force field is lowered. Prepare to do evasive manoeuvers as soon as we fire.”


I send a prayer to Lir.Please keep my Wyatt safe. And then I force myself to wait, not taking my eyes off that force field.
