Page 139 of Melinda's Choice

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Chapter 42


It is with difficulty that I tear myself away from Melinda. I trust her, and I know she will keep her promise to me. I am not worried about her being alone with Wyatt. And yet it bothers me to leave them. Something feels off kilter. I am not sure why. I try to shake the thought away and focus my musings on the work that needs to be done.

My drone lands back home, in front of my temple building, where Melistor is already hard at work scanning the contacts of our latest suspect, Leristor, the body artist in the hilly quarter. I have a feeling that soon, we are going to find answers to our many questions about what is going on.

I remove my sandals and enter, going to sit at my usual place beside the incense burner. Melistor is deep in a trance, the boral crystal on the burner emitting the required energy field for this to happen. Melistor’s drashas are sitting close by, heads bent in prayer. On sensing me, they lift their heads and bow them again respectfully. I put my hands together and intone a silent prayer to Taya, then I too focus on the boral crystal to enter into my own trance.

Once in my trance state, I am able to communicate with Melistor. “How goes it, Melistor?”

“So far, nothing to report. I have scanned two of Leristor’s associates and I am now searching for the third, a person named Desimena, who came into his shop for some new artwork one rotation ago. I do not have an address for her, so I am searching out each part of the hilly quarter, calling her name.”

“I will assist you. Which parts have you not done?”

“The north east and east quadrants.”

“Very well, I will search for her in the east quadrant.”

I focus my attention on that part of the city, hovering over each building there and calling out, “Desimena!” After a few efforts, I finally get a response. “I have found her, Melistor. You go on to the next person on the list while I scan her.”

Then, using the skills honed and practised over several decades of being sicortar, I bring my focus to Desimena and read her aura. Everything perfect. Nothing out of place. Another one of our suspects. I come out of my trance to send a communication to Denishar, informing him we have found yet another suspect.Desimena. Who is it I have met recently of the same family designation?

Then it comes to me. Desimar. The liaison officer who has been escorting the Humans everywhere they go. It could be a coincidence, but on the balance of probability, I do not believe so. Was he not scanned before he entered the security services? I search my logs of scans I have performed in my time as sicortar, entering his name. I hit a match from three sun rotations ago. I scanned him then and found nothing amiss. There are no notes beside his name, so nothing called to my attention then. Could it be that he got “turned” after going into service? At any rate, he urgently needs to be re-scanned. I need to find out where he is so I can locate him in my trance. The quickest way to do this is to call my Melinda.

I tap the icon with her name on the corner of my screen, but she does not answer. Curious. I try calling her again, and still no answer. Becoming agitated, I call Denishar, but he too is busy and does not pick up. By now, Melistor has come out of his trance beside me and looks askance at my agitation. I explain the situation as quickly as I can.

“Perhaps Kiristen will know,” he suggests. “Troy will have told him where is going today and surely Desimar would be escorting him.”

“Yes! You are right.”

I put a call through to my son. Luckily, he answers on the first attempt. One look at my face tells him something is wrong. “Father, what is it?”

“We urgently need to locate Desimar, the male escorting our Humans. Do you know where Troy plans to be today?”

“Yes, he has been very excited about it. He is going to the command center in the hilly quarter—”

“Fuuuuck!” I cry.


“Thank you son. I will speak with you later.”

Hurriedly, I sit back and begin the process of re-entering my trance. I hover over the command center and call out his name. Sure enough, he is there and responds almost immediately. Once I have him located, I begin my scan. I am hit with powerful evil vibes. I shrink back in horror. Seeping out of Desimar is wickedness more intense than I have ever seen before. Something terrible is going to happen today at the command center. I am sure of it. And Troy is there, at the heart of danger. What about Melinda? I come out of my trance.

Where is Melinda?

She was going to stay at home today and catch up with Wyatt. Surely that is where she is still. Then why is she not answering my call? I pick up my communicator and try her again. Still no answer. I call Troy. No answer from him either. I am dizzy with worry. My Melinda is in grave danger. She must be with Troy. It is the only thing that explains why she is not answering. I must get hold of Denishar and inform him at once. I try calling him again, but still he is unavailable. Time is of the essence. Something must be done now. There is only one thing for it. Desimar must be neutralized. I glance at Melistor, considering him briefly but dismissing the idea. The level of evil I have just encountered requires experience only I have.

Sending a quick prayer to Taya, I enter into my trance again. I call out to Melistor. “I need your help!”

Immediately, he focuses his attention on me. “Kirimor, what is it?”

“Danger, evil, the most wicked of hearts. It is Desimar, the person escorting the Humans, and they are at the command center today. I need to neutralize him right away. The level of evil I have seen in him is such that I will need you to act as a second, sending back any evil waves of energy that escape from me.”

“Of course.”

“There is no time to lose. Let us start.”
