Page 19 of Melinda's Choice

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Chapter 7


It has been a long morning of visitors coming to put their cases before me and petitioning for my help. Some cases I deferred to their local sicors, the priests that serve across our planet. As the sicortar, I am the most senior of those priests and thus I only have time to deal with the most serious or most complex of matters. Those cases that receive my consent are noted down on my ledger with as much detail as possible by my faithful aide and friend, Sholinar.

On my receiving days, I spend the mornings seeing visitors before I retire back to my home for a lunch repast with my family—my four lovely drashas and our children. I am thinking longingly of lunch when Sholinar re-enters the room. “I have one final person to see you,” he says.

I scowl. “Can they not wait another rotation? I have three more receiving days before I retreat to the temple.”

“It is not the usual visitor, Sicortar. This young female has travelled from afar to see you. She would like to become your drasha.”

That gets my attention. I have not had a new drasha since Cleotola joined my household six sun rotations ago. Sicors do not mate, but in order to fulfil our duties, we require drashas to service our needs. There is no limit to the number of drashas one may have. I know of one sicor who has eighteen of them. That is not to my taste, however. Of course, in my younger days, I sought pleasure in a large number of lovely drashas, but ever since the children came, I have settled down to just four and made them permanent members of my household.

Ordinarily, I would not consider adding another to our number. Indeed, I only accepted Cleotola into my home after the departure of Senjomena, who had been my drasha for many sun rotations before she decided she wanted more from her life than to service me. I bade her goodbye with a heavy heart. I had enjoyed not just her body, but also her lively, intelligent companionship. She now manages a large number of successful enterprises, and I am very proud of her achievements. Occasionally, she visits when her busy schedule allows. She has not mated, but she seems happy, and that is what matters most. There are many females in our society that find their true calling outside of mating and having children.

The only reason I am considering getting another drasha is because of Merostena. She has been with me the longest and is the mother of my two eldest children, Kiristen, who has just reached the age of manhood, and Kirimara, who is in her second year of college. I have noticed of late that Merostena has struggled to keep up with my needs. Holy sessions in the temple can be long and arduous, depending on the complexity of the cases I have to resolve. Servicing my needs during those sessions requires endurance, and I think Merostena is reaching an age where it is getting harder for her to keep up. To lessen the pressure on her, I am considering inviting another drasha into my household.

However, I have to be careful. My home is a symphony of harmony. I make sure there are no petty jealousies to poison the atmosphere. I will not tolerate in-fighting, envy or any negative energy in my house. All my drashas are filled with goodness and care for me, my children and each other with love in their hearts. Introducing someone new to our happy dynamic is a tricky thing. Before I accept a female as my drasha, I have to be sure she will fit in with my household as well as be able to service my needs in the temple.

Now, I look to my friend. “Could you not see her yourself, and begin the preliminary vetting process?”

“I could, but first I would like you to meet her. I have a hunch she could be the right person for you.”

“Tell me a little about her.”

“Her name is Pirofena and she comes from the village of Pir in the southern sector of the planet. She is young, only twenty-two sun rotations old, but she is lively and spirited, as well as beautiful. I have a feeling she would suit you.”

I take a deep breath in and out to banish my momentary irritation. Once I am restored to a calm equilibrium, I say, “Sholinar, you know that is far too young. Yes, I want a drasha that is young enough to keep up with me, but not someone who was so recently a babe. Why, she is the same age as Kiristen!”

His face takes on a mulish expression I know so well. It is the expression he wears when he is determined on a course of action no matter what. “That is why I want you to meet her first. I know she is young, but I trust my instincts and they tell me she is just what you need. Apart from Cleotola, your other three drashas are all close to you in age, and beginning to lag. You require an injection of young energy into your healing sessions in the temple because you and I both know the cases coming your way are as complicated and hard to resolve as ever before. I do not know how much longer you can keep shouldering this painful burden, Kirimor, and I hope that soon, a successor is found as the next sicortar. You deserve a break after such a long period of service to your people, but in the meantime, a young drasha brimming with positive energy is just what you need.”

I regard my friend with love in my heart. The words he speaks are true. I have been sicortar now for twenty-three sun rotations, and the job does not get any easier. If this young female is as good as he says, then indeed she might be just what I need. “Very well my friend, show her in.”

He bows and disappears, returning a short time later with the young female in question. She approaches, head bowed in respect and kneels before me. I examine her curiously. She is certainly pleasing to the eye. Her luscious silky black hair is swept up in a knot atop her head with loose strands cascading down her shoulders. I cannot see her eyes, which are cast down, but she has a finely formed face and full, kissable lips. Drawing my gaze down, I admire her plump little breasts, the perfect size to fit in my hand. Curiously, her body is unadorned, as if she wants me to see just her and nothing else.

I look my fill, enjoying the sight before me. Two things happen at once. My cock begins to twitch in appreciation, and her nipples, before my eyes, darken to a slate gray, then pucker up in invitation. She is aroused.

My, my, this is promising. A good drasha enjoys sex and has a responsive body. I do not want to be ramming my cock into a dry cunt at the height of my healing trance. In a thick voice, I say, “Pirofena, look at me.”

She raises her gaze to mine, and I suck in a deep breath. Dark as the night and fringed with long lashes, her eyes are breathtaking. My cock is now fully erect. I want to devour this beauty and sink myself into her. I take a deep settling breath. Clearly, the lust will not be an issue, but I must still be thorough in my investigations. “Why do you wish to become my drasha?” I ask abruptly.

“It is my honor to serve you, sicortar.”

“Yes, yes, I know all that. But why else do you wish to take this step?”

“All my life, I have known that was my purpose. From before I even learned to speak, I saw your image on the screens, in our prayer books, on our walls, and I knew I wanted to serve you. I have always been drawn to you.”

“Most young girls dream of finding their mate.”

“Yes, but not me. When my friends were dreaming of the latest males to have caught their fancy or the latest video star, all I could think of was you.”

“What kind of thoughts did you have?”

“Dirty, dirty thoughts.”

“Hmm,” I growl. “Tell me more.”

“I thought about your cock, a lot.”
