Page 20 of Melinda's Choice

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“My cock? You have not had the pleasure of seeing it yet.”

“There was one image I found in which your loincloth was wet, and the outline of your cock was visible. I blew it up and saved it on my communicator.”

I am amused. “You flatter me, Pirofena. As a sicor, my appendage is naturally substantial, but I am sure there are plenty of other cocks you could have fantasized about.”

“Perhaps, but I fantasized about yours because it belonged to you.”

I hold out my hand. “Show me your communicator. I want to see this image.”

She pulls it out from its pouch at her side and swipes a few times before handing it to me. It is indeed a close up of me on a very hot day when my loincloth, drenched with sweat, had shown a tantalizing outline of my cock. “Naughty, dirty girl,” I say, giving the communicator back to her. “Well, you are now in the presence of this cock. What would you like to do to it?”

Her eyes drop hungrily to my groin. “Sicortar, I would like to suck it into my mouth and swallow all you have to give me, then make you hard again so you can stuff it into my cunt.”

“Spoken like a good little drasha.”

“That is what I want to be, if you will have me.”

“Has your cunt welcomed a cock before?”

“Many, many times, sicortar.”

I raise my brow quizzically. She is quick to explain. “Those males meant little to me. I wanted to become well versed in the pleasures of the flesh so that I could please you.”

“I see. Pirofena, if you were to become my drasha, I would expect you to join my household and be caring to all persons there, including my other drashas and children. I have no time for jealousies or ill-will. Do you understand that?”

“Oh, sicortar, if you would honor me with a position in your household, I promise to be worthy of it. I will love and respect all your drashas and children.”

“Have you experience of caring for children?”

“Yes, sicortar. I help care for my older sister’s baby daughter when she needs it.”

“Would you like a child of your own?”

She takes a quick involuntary breath. “It would be my greatest honor to bear a child to you. Yes, sicortar, please fill my belly with your child.”

I chuckle. “Not just yet, dirty girl. I already have five children, but another one would be a blessing indeed. However, I would need to be sure of you first.”

She bows her head. “I understand.”

I consider her in silence. I can see why Sholinar thought this girl would be right for me. I have not encountered quite such devotion before, but I think it is genuine. The only way to be sure is to look into her heart. I tap my communicator to call my friend. “Sholinar.”

“Yes, sicortar?”

“Bring me the boral crystals.”

“At once, sicortar.”

The door opens and Sholinar walks in, holding the box of crystals in his hand. He places it at my feet, bows and withdraws. I open the box, riffling through the different boral crystals in there until I find the one I want. It is about the size of my thumb and colored dark pink. The crystals look innocuous, fooling the likes of the Venorians into thinking them to be pretty, harmless rocks. Nothing could be further from the truth. When combined with an energy source, the crystals are extremely powerful. However, they do not affect us in the same way as the Venorians. In them, they cause a shutdown of their neural receptors and eventually unconsciousness.

With Krovatians, the effect is different. It causes us to go into a trance where we can see the true aura of a person before us, easily identifying the negative and positive energies within them. Some Krovatians are born with a rare and special gift not only to be able to see these energies, but also to manipulate them. The gift becomes apparent in late childhood. For me, it happened when I was seventeen sun rotations old. Overnight, I went from a happy-go-lucky young Krovatian hoping to enter the technology college to one with a totally different path mapped out for my life. I became a sicor, leaving my family home to train at the local temple.

That first year of training was grueling. I had to learn how to absorb negative energy into my body and to neutralize it using the power of the boral crystals. Going into a deep trance, I would draw the foul energy towards me, letting it enter my chest and then clamping on it tight. Through deep meditation, I learned to crush its power and to break it down into harmless sexual energy, the by-product of which was a raging desire to fuck and to release cum.

It was quickly obvious to all around me that I had a great aptitude for this task. Sworn enemies, cruel and despotic individuals, and hardened criminals were all sent my way. After I had sucked in their negative energy like a vacuum, they emerged as new, practically unrecognizable. Within a few sun rotations, I was in much demand for my services as a sicor, and soon, I had expanded my skill to being able to manipulate energies from a great distance. Not many sicors graduate to that level of skill. It is why, at the age of twenty-six sun rotations, I was given the highest honor—that of becoming sicortar.

Although I am not in the temple at this moment in time, I always have an incense burner nearby. I draw it towards me now and place the boral crystal on it. As the crystal heats up, it begins to glow a brighter, almost purple color. I focus my gaze on the crystal and begin to chant a prayer to Taya, our goddess.

Oh mighty Taya, goddess of the universe, I worship and love thee. Grant me the grace to see with the wisdom of your eyes. Let the forces of the dark show themselves to me. Let there be no place for evil to hide or to reside. Shine your light oh great Taya. Bless me with your goodness and your power. Shine your light and root out all darkness. I am your eternal servant oh Taya.
