Page 18 of Melinda's Choice

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“Good morning, Melinda,” she replies, then proceeds to get down to business. “I’m afraid Ven is out. It’s been agreed that we will be sending Robert Schwarz, the European candidate, to represent the Earth Federation there. I’m sorry if that wasn’t the news you wanted hear.”

I hold in a sigh of disappointment. “Thanks for letting me know. So, what next?”

“Well, this is the other thing I wanted to talk to you about. You’re aware of course that the Krovatians have agreed to allow a small delegation of Venorians and Driskians to live on their planet.”

“Yes, but not humans, as far as I understand.”

“That was the situation at first, however, the Venorians have spent some time vouching for us and the Krovatians have finally agreed to a human delegation on their planet, under special conditions.”

I feel a rising sense of excitement. “What conditions?”

“We won’t be allowed to have our own independent embassy, but they will permit us to have our people living in the same quarters as the Venorians, under close supervision. Now for the other good news. The Venorians have chosen Pravol and his new mate Treylor to lead their delegation, so you would be living with them.”

That is good news.

“Does that mean you want me to lead the human embassy there?”

“Yes, Melinda. Your appointment has been approved and all we need is your confirmation. Are you in?”

“Yes, definitely,” I respond immediately. I don’t even have to think about it.

“That’s great news. I think this may perhaps be an even bigger opportunity for you than the mission to Ven. We know so little about the Krovatians and there’s so much valuable work to be done there.”

We talk details a little longer then end the call. I put the communicator back down on the table and give a loud whoop, just as Wyatt enters the kitchen. “Good news?” he asks.

“The best. Guess what? It’s not Driskia they want me to go to, but Krovatia.”

Wyatt frowns. “I didn’t think the Krovatians were allowing humans on their planet.”

“Latest development. They’ll allow a human delegation to live under the supervision of the Venorians, which is going to be led by our friends, Pravol and Treylor.”

“Oh wow, that is good news.”

He smiles now as he comes over and hugs me tightly. “Congratulations, Mel. I’m so proud of you. And I have to say, it puts my mind at ease to know you’ll be living under Pravol’s protection. That guy is like a rock.”

“I know. And to be honest, I’m relieved too. I’ll feel much safer being with them, and I know we’ll work well together.”

“Do you know who the other people are that are going with you?”

“One I know. Troy Summers, an engineer who was on the exchange program to Ven. The other is someone called Avery Walker, who I don’t know much about except that she’s worked her way up in the State Department.”

“When do you leave?”

“I’ll be going to Mars this Sunday, as originally planned. The Venorians will pick me up from there in about a month’s time, which will give me a chance to wind things down and brief my successor.”

“Any idea who that successor will be?”

I grin. “The one and only Lucas Rivera. I swear, this guy’s been kicking at my heels, but I’m still a step ahead.”

He kisses my forehead. “Looks like you got it all worked out. I’m happy for you Mel.”

I look up at him. “Do you have to be at work today?”

“Actually, no. I took the day off so I could spend time with you. What do you say we go down to the cabin?”

I kiss him gently. “I would say that’s a very, very good idea.”

So, that’s what we do. My last two days on Earth are spent at the rustic but fully functional cabin in Virginia that Wyatt and his brother inherited from their parents. We don’t talk about the future or argue. We don’t rehash the past. We simply enjoy being together one last time. All too soon, it’s time to say goodbye.
