Page 61 of Melinda's Choice

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“I—haven’t got a bathing suit.”

“You do not need one Melinda. Take all your clothes off.” Seeing her hesitation, I relent. “If you are shy about disrobing, I will turn my back and give you privacy.”

“Please, I would appreciate it.”

I turn around and give her my back.

“Thank you.”

I wait patiently as she disrobes, until I hear the plop as she enters the mud bath. “May I turn back again now?” I ask.


I turn around and find her submerged in the mud to her neck. “You may place your head against this pillowy resting place,” I say, pointing to it. I bend down to help settle her more comfortably. “How does that feel?”

“Good, thanks. The mud is lovely and warm, and I love this scent.”

“I am glad. Now let me get into my own bath, and then I will start the treatment.”

Quickly, I untie my loin cloth and remove it, placing it beside Melinda’s discarded clothes. Her eyes widen at the sight of my cock, which has been semi-hard with desire for her since I entered the auditorium earlier today. “Look your fill, my lovely.”

She turns her head away in embarrassment. “I’m sorry. I should have afforded you the same privacy you gave me.”

I laugh. “Do not worry. I am not shy about my body.” Slowly, I ease myself into my own mud bath and sigh in satisfaction. The thick, aromatic liquid wraps itself around me like a warm blanket. “Ah, that is good.” Turning to face Melinda, I ask, “Shall we start the treatment?”

She frowns. “How do you mean?”

“At the press of this button, the treatment to ease your body and mind will begin.”

She looks puzzled but agrees all the same. “Er, sure. Let it begin.”

I press the button and lie back, keeping my head cocked sideways so that I can observe her reaction. The chamber fills with a soft, haunting melody, just as two pairs of hands begin to knead my body from shoulder to toe.

“What the fuck?”

At her shriek, I grin. “Relax, Melinda. It is only synthetic hands built into the bath. They have sensors that can expertly detect the contours of your body. Close your eyes and let the treatment work on your body and mind.”

“You could have warned me!”

“I thought I did.”

She grunts and closes her eyes. I watch as slowly, the expression on her face morphs from bewildered shock to serene calm. Satisfied that all is as it should be, I close my own eyes and relax back against my head rest, letting the treatment work its magic on my tired, aging body. The occasional pleasurable moans that I hear from Melinda tell me the magic is working on her too. While the kneading hands find every aching part of my body, the aromatic essences begin to work on my mind, sending me into a semi trance-like state of peaceful wellbeing. My mind empties of all worries and stresses, returning to a state of healthy equilibrium. Thedrelanis a place I frequent often for this very reason. I come here after a round too many of holy trances where I have had to bring evil into my body, and I let the healing power of the mud bath soothe away the pain of that toxic invasion.

After a while, the kneading hands stop and withdraw, replaced by a gentle current that ripples around me, working at revitalizing each nerve ending of my body. I feel myself drift away on a cloud of contentment. Time passes.

I come back to myself and breathe out deeply as I open my eyes. The cave around me is quiet, and the treatment session complete. Slowly, I sit up in my bath and reach for the call button to summon assistance for our washdown. Glancing across at the other bath, I see Melinda lying with her eyes still closed, a peaceful expression on her lovely face. I study it carefully, taking in the pleasing shape of her cheek bones, the small turned up nose and the long brown lashes that fan her eyes. “Melinda,” I speak softly. “Melinda, it is time to wake.”

Her eyes flutter open. She turns to me, looking disoriented. “How long have I been asleep?”

“I do not know. I too have only just come awake. It is time now for our washdown.”

“Ok,” she murmurs.

The door slides open and two attendants walk in. One of them walks towards my bath while the other goes to Melinda. “Sicortar, if you will let me assist you out of the bath?”

“Thank you.” I stand, dripping thick brown mud, and take hold of the attendant’s strong hand for balance as I step out of the bath carefully. A similarly mud caked Melinda does the same.

“If you will follow me,” speaks the attendant. We let her guide us out of the cave, and walk behind her, leaving a trail of muddy footprints in our wake. A short distance down the corridor, we reach another door, this one leading to the wash room. The attendant points to the wash compartments. “Please enter the compartment and stand with your legs shoulder width apart. Place both hands flat against the wall.”
