Page 62 of Melinda's Choice

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Melinda hesitates for a fraction, but upon seeing me enter my own compartment and position my body in the required position, she goes and does the same in hers.

“Close your eyes please,” says one of the attendants as the compartment door slides shut, enclosing me in.

I close my eyes, and immediately a jet of warm, soapy water gushes over me. It is followed by a set of automated soft brushes, built into the compartment walls, that begin to scrub me down. I let the brushes thoroughly clean every muddy nook of my body and scrape off the dead cells on my skin, leaving it smooth as I like it to be. Next door, I hear little squeaks coming from Melinda, as she experiences our wash compartment for the first time. Once the scrubbing is done, the brushes retract. A rainfall of water washes away all soapy and muddy residue, leaving us clean and fresh. The water stops automatically and our compartment door slides open again, revealing an attendant holding out a large fluffy towel. With quick, efficient movements, the attendant dries my body, then drapes the towel around my waist. She brings slippers and places them at my feet, wiping each foot dry with a fresh towel before slipping them on. “Sicortar, if you could follow me to the recovery room, I will rub oils into your skin.”

“I thank you.”

I see Melinda similarly robed in a towel, except that hers is draped over the whole of her torso, not her waist. A pity. I would have liked to have had a closer look at the pretty little breasts I glimpsed as she emerged, muddied, from the bath. “How did you enjoy the washdown?” I enquire of her.

“That was an interesting experience, that’s for sure. This whole thing has been. Thank you for bringing me here.”

“It is my privilege. But the experience is not yet over. Come and let the attendants oil our bodies before we go.”

We walk to an adjoining room where two large mats are laid on the floor. “Please lie down on your backs and make yourselves comfortable,” says one of the attendants.

We do as we are bid. The attendants crouch down on the floor beside us and begin oiling our bodies, starting with our arms and hands, then moving to our chests. I see the attendant with Melinda work discreetly under the towel, instinctively understanding that this Earth female is not comfortable with a display of her naked body. I am glad for that, as I do not want to cause my guest discomfort.

Once our bodies are oiled, my attendant comes to me bearing the loin cloth I had discarded earlier. I take it from her and quickly lace it on, then strap on my every day sandals. The other attendant has Melinda’s clothes in her hand, waiting for me to give them some privacy. “Melinda, I will leave you now in the attendant’s capable hands. She will bring you to me when you are dressed and your hair suitably dried, and we can then partake of a light meal together before we leave.”

She throws me a grateful look. “Thank you sicortar, I appreciate all that you have done for me today.”

“As I said, it is my privilege. I am sure you will have much to write about in your next dispatch to your home planet.”

“Yes, I will.”

“Good. I shall see you shortly.”

With this, I stride out, leaving her to get dressed without my wandering eyes on her. There will be time enough for that once I make her mine. With every beat that passes, I am more firm in my intention to pursue a dalliance with her.

She joins me in the post-treatment chamber a short while later, dressed in her Earth garb, looking bright eyed and fresh. She smiles when she sees I have orderedmishufor her. “Ooh, I’ve been wanting to try these again,” she says as she comes to sit beside me.

“I thought as much. I remember your reaction to them the first time.” I take a crispy green ball and bring it to her mouth. This time, she does not demur, but opens her soft, plump limps to take the food in.

She chews on it, moaning in delight. “Mmm, these are so good.”

“They are some of my favorite foods too.” I pour her a glass ofnariand feed her some more. Females in my society generally eat by their own hands, but it is a sign of special favor when a male feeds them with his. I do not think Melinda fully understood how I was honoring her that first meal we had together at the banquet. Perhaps she still does not. Nevertheless, she takes the food from me uncomplainingly.

“So tell me Melinda, how have you enjoyed your time on Krovatia so far?”

“I’ve loved it. Everyone has been welcoming and helpful, if a little cautious about us outsiders, which is understandable.”

I nod. “We are good people. Living in peaceful harmony with each other and our environment matters to us greatly. That is why the work of sicors in weeding out negative energy is valued so much.”

“Do you have crime on this planet?”

“We do, for it is not possible to monitor every single person’s energies every single day, but not in anything like the amount we used to have on our old planet, before our ancestors moved here.”

“Could you tell me a little more about that? I am curious about this exodus.”

“It is a little before my time, so my knowledge comes from the history we were taught in school. Our home world was a beautiful planet, with lush forests, crystal clear lakes, fertile valleys and impressive cities filled with grand buildings. We were a technologically advanced people living a life of decadent luxury, but it came at a price. Every home, every drone, every factory producing the many things we loved to consume, created tons and tons of toxic pollutants. Some of our people sounded a warning about this, but they were ignored in people’s greed for ever more goods and ever more comfort in their lives.”

“Some of what you describe sounds eerily like events in my own home world,” sighs Melinda.

“Yes, though I hope for your sake that what happened next in ours does not happen to yours.”

“Tell me.”

“It came to the point one day where the damage to our planet’s ecosystem was so great that great swathes of it became uninhabitable. Many people lost their lives, as well as their homes. It eventually became clear that to survive, we would need to evacuate and find ourselves a new planet to inhabit. We sent out probes and spaceships to explore the outer parts of our galaxy, and eventually, they identified two possible new homes. One of them was a planet that was slightly cooler than ours, but with ample natural resources, including a large source of dorenium. The other planet also had many natural resources, but its climate was deemed too hot, so it was decided we would all go to the cooler planet. A convoy of dozens of ships took our ancestors there and we soon got started, creating a new colony.”
