Page 98 of Melinda's Choice

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“Is that the Earth word for it? I like to describe it as cleanly symmetrical.”

“That it is. I like it, though if pushed, I would still prefer the vaulted ceilings in the northern sector.”

“I agree.”

We are ushered into a chamber, Sholinar and Desimar walking in behind us, where Dorishena awaits us. I stride forward to greet her the traditional way. I look into her eyes as I place a hand to her chest, then step back and bow. “Dorishena, as always it is a pleasure and honor to see you.”

“The honor is mine, sicortar.”

She turns her attention to Melinda, who steps forward to greet her. “Dorishena, I am honored to meet you again.”

Dorishena smiles warmly at her. “No indeed, Melinda, the honor is mine. I have been waiting for an opportunity to speak with you and find out more about your kind.”

“Likewise, I look forward to a fruitful dialogue.”

Dorishena indicates that we should sit, then turns to my aide and Melinda’s escort. She greets them formally, and once we are all sitting, we get down to business.

Dorishena asks politely, “So Melinda, what are your impressions of Krovatia now that you have been with us for some time?”

Melinda sits with her legs crossed gracefully, her brilliant brown mane of hair, a little tousled after my ministrations on the plane, falling in gentle waves down her shoulders. She looks in her element. Once again, I am captivated as I watch her at work, talking with earnestness and determination about her mission here, parrying comments back and forth with quick wit and thoughtful intelligence.

I follow the conversation between these two strong, powerful females, occasionally interjecting, but mostly listening in admiration. Just as much as Melinda was made to be a mother, she was also made for this. I see the way she weaves her words cleverly to present her people in the best light and win the most concessions for her mission here. Melinda is keen to organize a visit of representatives from the pharmaceutical industry in her world to come to the southern sector and develop mutually beneficial trade opportunities. At first, she is met with the usual caution and resistance to outsiders’ presence on our planet, but she ploughs on with determination. It is no surprise to me that by the end of the meeting, Dorishena has agreed to allow a small trade delegation from Earth to visit, pending the approval of the other leaders.

We rise to our feet and Melinda thanks her host graciously. “Go in peace, Dorishena,” she says as she makes to leave.

“Go in peace, Melinda.”

I cast a glance at Sholinar, who has been sitting quietly and jotting down notes on his communicator all this time. He understands my look and follows Melinda and Desimar. He will keep an eye on her while I continue my meeting with Dorishena.

Alone with the sector leader, she guides me to sit in the corner, next to the fragrant fountain. “I thought we could meditate and speak through our minds, as we have much to discuss,” she says.

“Of course.”

We sit together on a set of floor cushions and let the fragrance waft over us as we listen to the gentle trickling of the water. After a quarter of a beat, we reach that state of deep relaxation where we can both enter into a mutual trance. I take some deep breaths in and out, focusing my mind on building a bridge with hers. Finally, we make the connection, and I wait for her to begin the conversation.

“You have completed a scan of the top ranking individuals on our planet, yet none have presented with that suspiciously perfect aura. Am I correct?”

“Correct. So far, our only leads are Prelonisha, who we suspect of having smuggled the boral crystals aboard the cargo ship. We have also discovered a young man who frequents my body art shop, named Norifen. I have gone on to scan the other members of his family but none of them had a suspicious aura. We know he was talking to someone on his communicator the day he was at the body art shop, but we do not know who that fellow conspirator is.”

“I assume Denishar is having him closely watched?”

“Yes, both he and Prelonisha are under constant surveillance. Unfortunately, neither have put a foot wrong yet. It almost makes me think we are mistaken in our suspicions. And yet, the evidence is to the contrary.”

“No, something is definitely afoot. I have suspected for a long time that there would eventually be some pushback to our strict eco-conscious ethos. The possibility of an easier, more luxurious life was always sure to tempt some of our kind.”

“So while we wait to see if Prelonisha or Norifen present us with any further leads, I will continue with my scans, moving down the list to the lesser important dignitaries on our world. That is, unless you have a different suggestion for where I should be focusing my efforts?”

“I believe it is best to follow the trail started with those two individuals. Who do they encounter in their day-to-day life? Start there, and work your way down their own contacts. Eventually, we will flush out these conspirators.”

“I believe you may be right. I will ask Denishar to send me the names of people who have interacted with Prelonisha and Norifen, and begin a scan of them.”

“This will interfere with your usual duties as sicortar, will it not?”

“Yes, I have had to suspend my usual holy trances and just focus on the scans.”

“Perhaps you should seek help. Have you considered consulting Melistor about this?”

“I have, and I am meeting with him tomorrow morning. I have other business I also wish to discuss with him.”
