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The last thing I need is Enzo dragging out my personal business for his habitual mockery.

“Shut up. Where’s David tonight?”

“Gambling. As usual. Does Ana know we’re doing this?”

My brother irks me sometimes. “Do you think Ana fucking knows?”

“Why so upset, brother? Working with the Greek cunt didn’t work out? Who could have predicted that…”

“Shut up, Enzo.”

Eddie glances up from his phone for the first time.

“Either of you have a cigarette?”

“You’re too young to smoke,” Enzo says.

“Fuck off. You’re only three years older than me,” Eddie protests, throwing a powerful punch on Enzo’s shoulder. My brother doesn’t flinch.

“Doesn’t matter. He’s your superior. You listen to him,” I growl. If papa had taught them discipline from the beginning, neither of them would be like this. Now it’s my responsibility whenever we go out to remind these fucks whatcosa nostrais really all about. Our way of life is falling apart.

Eddie shrugs, and Enzo hands our nephew a cigarette, giving me a knowing look. After what we do tonight, he’ll need more than a cigarette. We both remember our first kill and it wasn’t pretty.

After two puffs, Eddie grins. “Are we working or what? I have more cunts to catch tonight.”

“Quiet, Eddie,” Enzo grumbles, tapping away on his phone. “Okay. I’ve got him. He’s five blocks away.”

I wonder what weapons my brother and nephew brought tonight. We’ll need more than my pistol.

“Who is he drinking with tonight?” I grunt. How many motherfuckers will we have to take out?

Enzo shakes his head. “You won’t like this.”

“Five other men from his family. We can’t be sure he’ll leave the place alone.”

“We need someone to lure him out,” Eddie suggests. “A prostitute. Or a woman who can act like one. I’ll get my girlfriend.”

“You’re still seeing Zara?”

I told Eddie to leave Zara alone after the last incident. I don’t want to deal with another domestic problem.

“Why should I stop? She always takes me back.”

“At least she makes a believable prostitute,” Enzo says, shrugging. Eddie laughs, not even bothering to defend the woman he claims to love. Yes, she’s a foreigner, but that shouldn’t matter if he’s chosen her. Love. This is what papa wants me to fight so hard for? Whatever he has for this family isn’t love, and I have no intention of repeating his mistakes. I’ll leave love for the younger generation, although Eddie doesn’t leave me with much hope.

“Show some respect,” I growl. “We’re not using Zara.”

Eddie puffs out his chest, but he’s careful not to push me too hard. I’m just as likely to put out a hit on him as anyone else.

“Why not? She’s mine to use,” he says defiantly until I raise my eyebrow and silence my nephew.

Unfortunately, my idiot brother speaks up in Eddie’s favor.

“We don’t have a choice,” Enzo says. “Unless you have someone else for us to use?”

The smirk on his irritating fucking face tells me he knows exactly who and what he’s asking for. Bastard.

He knows what Cass did for me. Either that, or he suspects. My face betrays nothing. Unlike my father and Matteo, I don’t let Lorenzo get under my skin.
