Page 109 of Awaiting

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“Yes, withyou,” Bexley replied. “But your family… I don’t know.”

“I will protect you; I promise. If it gets too much, we leave.”

“Alex, you can’t just leave all the time.”

“No, but this time, I can. If they do something to make you uncomfortable or–”

“Okay. Okay. Just wait.” Bexley pressed her hands to Alex’s bare chest. “What are we even telling them? Do they know who I am?”

“They know your name, your job, that you are friends with Alice, and whatever security uncovered when they did a background check on you before they let me go with you to Kansas.”

“They did a background check on me?”

“Did you think they’d let the future Queen fly across the world with someone they hadn’t investigated a bit?” Alex lifted an eyebrow. “Should I be worried? Maybe I should ask them what they found out.”

“Don’t you dare.” Bexley laughed. “And my record is spotless, thank you very much.”

Alex kissed her and said, “Please, come with me. I’ll tell them we’re together. I’ll tell them we’re just friends. Whatever you want, Bex.”

“Are we?” Bexley asked.

“Are we what?”

“Are we together?”

Alex pressed their foreheads together and nodded.

“I want that. I have always wanted that.”

“And if we tell them, how will they react?”

“With a lot of questions we’re probably not ready to answer yet?” Alex replied with more of a question than an answer.

“And that doesn’t scare you?” Bexley asked.

“It terrifies me,” she admitted.


“I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Alex promised.

“It’s okay. I have stuff I can do,” Bexley replied.

“You can go anywhere you want. I can give you the full tour later, but don’t feel like you have to stay in here,” Alex told her.

“I cannotgo anywhere I want. I have no idea what rooms I’d walk into. What if I walk into your dad’s office, and the guards swarm me?” Bexley asked.

Alex smiled, pulled Bexley into her, and kissed her on the forehead.

“I’m sorry about this. I have to go get ready.”

“I wish I could see the look on your mother’s face when she sees your hair,” Bexley replied with a smile.

Alex looked around the room she’d taken Bexley into and said, “You can if you want. I just didn’t want to put you through anything you weren’t ready for.”

“No, you have a whole family thing.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to just go to my place and wait for me there?” Alex asked. “I can have someone drive you and meet you as soon as I can.”
