Page 143 of Awaiting

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“The center said I could work remotely until they decide to keep me on or find my replacement,” Bexley shared.


“And the apartment my grandmother owns – I was going to sell that for her, too, but Stan said he’d lease it from us instead.”


“I don’t know. He has all these ideas to diversify beyond bars.”

“Bex, I’m going to ask you something now.”

Bexley kissed her on the lips and said, “No,I’mgoing to askyousomething now.” She paused as Alex laughed. “Alex, can I please move in with you?”

“I can have the plane refueled and ready to leave by the time we get to the airport,” Alex assured.

“Not so fast,” Bexley replied.

“I know. I know.” Alex sighed.

“She won’t come with us,” Bexley said.

“You talked to her?”

“After your last visit,” Bexley explained. “She says she likes where she is now. She’s made friends and has activities. She also insists that Stan visiting a couple of times a week and my brothers coming home when they can is enough. She doesn’t want to move.”

“So, what do we do? Do I tell the palace not to confirm, and we hope the press goes away? We wait for you to move in until…”

“She’s also insisting I go,” Bexley added.

“She’s telling you to go?”

“She doesn’t want me to stay here just for her,” Bexley replied. “I told her I love my job and my hometown, but she said something that’s very true.”

“What?” Alex rubbed Bexley’s back.

“That I left myheartin London,” Bexley said. “Although now, it’s standing right in front of me.”

Alex leaned down and kissed her.

“Are you sure we can’t convince her to come with us? I can have the guest room ready for her by the time we get back. I already have nurses ready.”

“You are incredibly sweet,” Bexley replied, untucking Alex’s shirt. “We can try again, but I don’t think she’ll agree. She’s the backgammon champion. She plans to repeat next year.”

Alex laughed and said, “Well, how canIever compete with that?”

“There weren’t any reporters out there?” Bexley asked, unbuttoning Alex’s shirt now.

“No, just security. They’ve fanned out so as not to draw attention.” Alex looked down at Bexley’s hands as they undid her top button last. “Bex…”

“What? It’s been over a month,” Bexley replied.

“We can get on the plane whenever you’re ready.”

“I have stuff to take care of before I leave, babe,” Bexley told her. “But there are reporters at my place, and we’re already here.” She shoved Alex’s suit jacket off her shoulders.

“There’s not even furniture here,” Alex noted, looking around at the empty house.

“I know.” Bexley’s hands ran up and down her chest and stomach, parting her shirt as she went.
