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He continued to run until his body was exhausted. With any luck, he would be able to get some sleep and ignore the deep and terrible longing he felt for Amelia.

He shifted into his human form and dressed. It was only then that he checked his phone to see if there were any messages from Padma. There was nothing, but of course, his sister was calling.

Her timing was always a bit eerie.

“Rylee,” he snapped into the phone. “What’s wrong now?”

“What’s wrong now?” his sister repeated. “What’s wrong now is that I am about to pop with this kid, and my big brother, aka the alpha, hasn’t called me to let me know if he will be here for the birth.”

“I don’t want to be there for the birth.”

“Not in the actual room, you jerk. But you should be here for the celebration. This kid will be the newest member of your pack. Don’t you think you should be here to at least hold it?”


“I have no clue if it’s a boy or a girl. And since the damn thing is playing with my bladder like a squish toy, it is in anit. Is that a problem?”

Wilder was suddenly very happy there was a big wide ocean between him and Rylee. She was always a bit of a terror, but it looked like her pregnancy hadn’t done anything to calm her.

“No problem,” he said. “I am in the middle of something. I don’t know when I’ll be able to get away.”

“Do I have to sic Mom on you?”

“That threat hasn’t worked on me since we were kids.”

“Well, I have to try something. You haven’t seen any of us in a long time. It’s time for a visit.”

“I’ve just seen Ryland.”

Rylee clicked her tongue. “Right, because seeing my twin brother is just like seeing me, is it?”

He groaned. “There’s a lot on my plate.”

“Same, bro, same. I’m about to squeeze a human out of a very delicate part of my body.”

“Let me look at my schedule and call you back.”

“No. You won’t call me back. I’m gonna have to go through Padma again.”

“G’bye Rylee. Good luck with your baby.” He hung up. “Though the baby might be the one who needs luck with you as a mother,” he grumbled to himself.

Rylee was actually going to be a good mother. Probably overprotective and overbearing, but that had been their mother’s style too. Stands to reason Rylee would take her cues from their mom.

Wilder knew he should make an appearance with his pack soon, especially since his first nephew or niece was going to be born. What was he supposed to do? Leave Amelia in London with Padma and hope that her soon-to-be ex didn’t find her in the meantime?

You could always take her with you.

His wolf’s suggestion was impossible. If he took Amelia to the US, there would just be too many questions. Not just from his family but from Amelia too.

He would’ve preferred to shift back into his wolf and go for another run, but there was nothing to do but wait it out. See how the case against Greg went.

At least now that Amelia was safe with Padma—and far away from him—he could focus on what really mattered.

Protecting her.


