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He huffed out a breath. “We’ve had this conversation before. As much as I trust Padma—”

“You’re a control freak. Yes. I raised you. I am well aware of your personality traits, Wilder. How are you ever supposed to meet your mate if you never leave the house?”

Over the last five years, he had nearly told his mother that he had met his mate and that she was married. If anything, it would give him some peace.

“I’ll make the time to visit,” he said, knowing he would have to cancel at a later time.

“I’ll hold you to that.”

She could try.



Amelia woke at her usual time since moving into Wilder’s home. She hadn’t seen him in almost five days. The last time was at the airfield after the devastating kiss incident.

Since then, her only company was Padma and her girlfriend Lina. They were a fun couple to hang out with, but it was clear that Padma was still getting her instructions from Wilder.

Every time she asked to speak with him, Padma would find some reason or another to dodge the question.

But this morning, as Amelia got ready for the day, she was resolved not to let anything stand in her way. She spent all of her days lounging around, doing all of the things that Greg hadn’t let her do.

It was freedom.

It was so much fun.

But it was also getting a little boring. She couldn’t just sit back and let Wilder do all the work. Not if he wasn’t even going to talk to her anymore. She hadn’t paid him, and from the vague hints Padma gave her, he wouldn’t be taking a single penny from her.

“Good morning,” Padma greeted her as she walked into the kitchen.

“Morning. Where is Wilder today?”

Padma poured herself a cup of coffee before handing Amelia one. “He’s at work.”

“Well, you better tell him to get his ass here. I need to talk to him.”

“I’m sorry, Amelia. He is really busy right now. He won’t make it out.”

“He won’t make it out to his own place? This is where he lives. Where has he been staying for the last six nights? With his girlfriend? He told me he was single,” she accused.

“He is single. Trust me. No one wants to deal with Wilder first thing in the morning.”

Amelia wanted to argue. She would love to deal with Wilder first thing in the morning. She would bet that he would be a hell of a lot better than her soon-to-be ex-husband.

She couldn’t say that. Not without admitting that in the deep and dark of the night, she was thinking of Wilder. Of Wilder’s hands, his lips, his erection.

Amelia had a full-blown crush on the man, but since he had rejected her, she hadn’t seen hide or hair of him, and it was driving her insane.

“Look, Padma,” she said after a few gulps of coffee. “I know that he is your boss and you are loyal to him to a fault, but I need to talk to him.”

“Anything you need to tell him, you can tell me. I’ll make sure he gets the message.”

“No! I want toseehim. I want to spend time withhim.”

At those words, Padma gasped. Her eyes opened wide. “Oookaaay…”

“Sorry. That sounded like a real temper tantrum, and I am sorry for that. I just don’t understand what happened. If I need to apologize to him for kissing him, I will just tell him that I need to see him or…” She racked her brain for a good excuse. “Or I’ll go back to my ex.”
