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“I am trying to protect you. That’s what you hired me to do.”

“Well, seeing as how you refuse to take any payment, I didn’t hire you. I’m just some chick living in your house while you stay lord knows where.”

“This is a bad idea. You just found your freedom.”

“Do you plan on making me your prisoner or stopping me from living my life?”

“Of course not.”

“Then you’re nothing like Greg. I want you, Wilder. I never wanted anything for myself. I never dared to want anything for myself, but now, right now, I am telling you. I want you. I just want you. Deeply. Down to my very core.”

“Amelia…” he warned.

“No. Don’t tell me it’s a bad idea again. Don’t tell me I haven’t had enough time alone. I spent the last five years alone. What I want now is to be loved and cherished. Even if it’s only for a short time. I’m not asking you to mate me. I understand that you will one day have to leave for the woman you’re meant to be with—”


“No. Let me get through this. I’m okay with it. I want you while we’re both free. I want you while you can. When you meet your mate, I will let you walk away without a fight.”

It hurt to say as much. Of course, it wouldn’t be that easy, but telling Wilder would hardly convince him that this was a good idea. He was too noble to take it further if she told him that she would always hold a flame for him.

“Amelia, you don’t know what you’re asking.”

“Sure I do. I am asking you to be my first.” The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could think better of them, but once they were out in the open, she knew she meant them.

More than she had meant anything ever before.



“I am asking you to be my first,” Amelia said with so much resolve it nearly broke him in two.

His heart stopped, and he didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t think. Here his mate was, begging him to lie with her. To take her virginity. To share a first with her that she would always remember.

Amelia wanted him to be her first, but all he wanted was to be her last.

It would be so easy to tell her. Just to blurt out that beyond this moment, they never had to spend another minute apart. But that wouldn’t be fair to her.

She wanted him in this moment. Yes. That much was true. But would she still want him after? Later? In days, in weeks, in months? He wouldn’t take that choice away from her. Not after everything she had been through.

“Wilder,” she whispered.

“Your first,” he repeated, but what he meant wasyour last. Your only.“Padma,” he shouted down, “get the fuck out of here.”

The sound of Padma’s chuckle reached them. “Fucking finally,” his assistant said.

He heard the door close and lock only a few seconds later. As soon as he was sure they were alone, he took Amelia into his arms and walked them into his bedroom.

“You’re sure this is what you want?” he asked.

Her legs were unsteady, and she clung to him. “Yes,” she replied. “I want you, Wilder. You’re the only thing I’ve been able to think about since we met.”

“You can change your mind. Just tell me to stop, and I will.”

She giggled and closed her arms around his neck. “Do you really think you could stop when we get to the point of being naked?”

“Sure.” There was no way. Not without doing some irreparable damage to his organs, but for her, he was ready to do anything.
