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He laughed, and the tension broke. “I think you have the opposite of that.You’rethe one who doesn’t let me sleep.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not the one with a shifter’s stamina,” she reminded him.

This time, when they got into bed, and Amelia laid his head on his chest, nestled as she was into his side, it meant something more.

She knew what they were to each other. She knew—and understood—what this meant to him. She wouldn’t have cuddled into him unless she was seriously considering being his mate. Wilder was sure of it. Amelia was too kind and too sweet to play games.

With any chance, she would soon be his, and he would never have to spend another night without her again.

* * *

Wilder flippedone of the pancakes in the small pan. Across the kitchen, Amelia chopped fresh strawberries, humming under her breath. Their late-night confessions weren’t exactly forgotten, but they had returned to their easy rhythm as if nothing had happened.

It was a relief.

Amelia wasn’t halfway out the door. She wasn’t trying to get as far from him as possible. She spent the night in his arms. Even as they moved around the kitchen, she still kissed him, still brushed up against him. She flirted and teased. She was herself.

His mate.

Wilder was desperate for her to make a choice, to make a decision. It wasn’t fair. He knew that. He didn’t want to pressure her, but he was only a man. He had waited years for Amelia. In theory, he could wait a few more days… A few more weeks.

But soon, she would have to make that all-important decision, and he could only hope that she chose him.

She’s still technically married to the world’s biggest jerk. You can’t expect her to jump from one long-term committed relationship to another. When his wolf made more sense than him, Wilder knew he was in real trouble.

“Do you think we’ll be leaving here today?” Amelia asked, cutting through his thoughts.

“If you want,” he replied tensely. Did she want to leave to get away from him? Did she want to leave him once and for all? “It’s up to you,” he added, trying to be gentler.

“Don’t you have a business to run?” Amelia said with a laugh. “I’m sure your assistants are eager to have you back.”

“They haven’t called. All must be well.”

“Or,” she suggested, popping a strawberry into her mouth, “they know you haven’t had a holiday in a million years, so they don’t want to bother you. Did you think of that?”

“Yeah. I did, but they know better than to keep big shit away from me. I’m the CEO. I’m the alpha.”

She giggled. “You can go from smooth and relaxed to hard and tense in record time. You should see if it’s an Olympic sport.”

He frowned at her good-naturedly. “Are you teasing me?”

“Always,” she responded as she crossed the kitchen. She kissed him sweetly, and he nearly melted right then and there. This tiny woman could undo him with a single kiss. There was no life beyond Amelia. She was his everything. “You like it when I tease you,” she whispered against his lips. “I’m hilarious, and you know it.”

He gave her ass a small tap, desperate to sayI love you.He did love her. Deeply. More than he had thought possible. More than he could even put into words. “I do know it. It’s one of your best qualities,” he added. “I just didn’t think you’d be so eager to leave already.”

“I don’t want to go. I’d love nothing more than to stay here and pretend that everything is fine. That this is my life, but we both know I can’t hide or run forever. I will eventually have to finalize the divorce and…” She sighed. “Probably talk to someone about Greg’s shady businesses.”

Wilder wasn’t all that shocked. “I’m proud of you,” he whispered. “It won’t be easy, but I’ll make sure you’re kept safe.”

“Thanks,” she smiled sadly. “It’s hard not to feel like I’m putting myself in more danger by angering him, but I know enough to put Greg behind bars for a long time. I don’t want him to hurt anyone ever again. I don’t want him to even have the option.”

Wilder platted the pancakes and placed them on the kitchen counter as he formulated his reply carefully. “It’s not your responsibility to make sure he pays for the crimes he has committed. It’s not your responsibility to make sure he hurts no one else. He’s a grown man, making his own choices.”

“I know.” Amelia’s shoulders sagged.

Wilder closed the distance between them and hugged her close. “You’re a strong person, Amelia. Probably the strongest I’ve ever met. I’ll be with you every step of the way if you like.”

Her hold on him tightened. “Are you kidding me? I’m only doing this because I feel braver when you’re around.” She pulled away to look into his eyes. “Is that a shifter thing? Our bond makes me stronger?”
