Page 20 of Endless Summer

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“When we were supposed to talk, I was being watched. I think that the Gallos started to suspect my involvement with you a few months after you left. They are smart enough to put two and two together and pin everything on me. I had to lay low. If I would have been in contact with you, they would have found out and I’d be dead right now.” Ace didn’t miss Valentine’s shiver and Nick covered her with his body as soon as he noticed.

“I think that this is all a test—me being put on Val’s watch duty and being ordered to bring her in. If they have put the puzzle pieces together and can pin the two of us together, then they know who you are. The only reason they have left you alone, until this point, is because you are on the force. Sooner or later, they will catch up to you too, Nick.” Valentine’s gasp had him pause. He hated that she was so frightened by this, but it was his and Nick’s lives. And whether she liked it or not, it was her life too. She was a part of this whole mess, for better or worse. What she didn’t yet understand was that she apparently had not just one, but two alpha men who were dead set on keeping her safe.

“I’ve been told to bring Val in as of two days ago. That was why I was in your hotel room, honey. I wanted to warn you. Hell, I wanted to convince you to let me help you, to protect you, but it seems that you have that covered now.” Ace nodded at Nick and reluctantly released Val’s hand.

“I won’t do it,” she growled. “I won’t let you take me back to them, Ace.” Her sob nearly gutted him, and he hated that she thought him capable of doing something like that to her.

“Honey,” he growled, “I’d never do that to you,” he soothed. Ace couldn’t help himself. He didn’t give a fuck if Nick was going to try to beat his ass. He pulled Valentine onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her body. He was shocked that she allowed him to do that with her—to her. He was even more surprised that Nick made no move to stop him and no formal protest.

“That’s why I followed you two here.” He hoped to hell that they would both be just as accepting of his next part. “I want to help you—with everything. I know where Anton is, but it is going to take a little time to get a plan in place. He won’t be here for another week if the job stays on schedule. That gives us time to get something worked out to help your brother. But I won’t put you in danger, Val. Not now, not ever. You mean too much to me,” he admitted. Val snuggled into his hold, and he knew from the smirk on Nick’s face, the two of them were going to have a talk.

“Will you let me help?” he asked. Val looked back at Nick as if allowing him to take the lead. Nick nodded and Val gifted Ace with her big smile.

“You’re in. Welcome to the club. We’ll teach you the secret handshake later,” she teased, causing them all to laugh. It had been so long since Ace found anything worthy of laughter and it felt damn good to be holding the woman that he dreamed about so many lonely nights in his arms. He just hoped like hell he’d get his chance with her, but there would be no way that he’d hurt Nick to do it. The detective had become his friend, someone that he trusted, and in his line of work, both of those qualities were hard to come by. Ace wasn’t sure what his next move was going to be, but he needed a plan. Otherwise, he stood to lose everything, including his own life and he hadn’t fought this long or this hard to lose now.
