Page 18 of Moon Kissed

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She turned the pages back and forth, her frown deepening as she grasped what I was saying.

“That’s weird,” she muttered, shutting the book and looking at the cover. “You’re Rylan, aren’t you?”

Her question took me by surprise, and judging by the smirk she flicked my way, she knew it.

“Yes,” I answered, trying to keep suspicion from showing on my face.

“I’m Arden.” She stared at me like I should know who she was.

“Hi.” I gave her a little wave while my eyebrows bunched together, confused.

“Oh, right, you’ve been gone.” She rolled her eyes then stuck her hand out to me. “I’m Pearl’s best friend.”

I’m not sure if she meant it as a jab, but I felt it like she’d punched me in the gut. I kept an eye on Pearl throughout the years but never noticed her getting close with anyone. I guessed I didn’t take into account her meeting wolves outside of our pack.

“Oh, nice to meet you.” I grabbed her hand and shook it, suddenly uncomfortable.

I wouldn’t blame Pearl for confiding in her new friend. For some reason, I’d thought Pearl had remained a loner after we went our separate ways. That was arrogant of me to assume.

I swallowed thickly, thinking of all the things I didn’t know about her, had no right to know. Did she have other friends? Was she seeing someone? That last question made me incredibly angry, but I managed not to let it show.

It was narrow-minded of me to think that her life had just stopped when I’d stepped out. I knew getting back into her good graces was going to be difficult, but now it seemed nearly impossible. I wouldn’t blame her if she decided to leave the past in the past, including me.

“I can see the inner battle you’re struggling with,” Arden commented, watching my face closely. “Pearl is incredible, and you’re an idiot.”

All I could do was nod because she was absolutely right on both accounts.

“She despised you, and part of her still does, but the time apart has made her heart heal. She’s still not fond of you though.”

“I don’t blame her,” I said, meaning it.

She squinted at me, like she was trying to figure me out. I let her look me over, ignoring my wolf’s bristle at her lack of submission.

“I believe you.” She spoke quietly, as if she sympathized with me. “That doesn’t mean this will be easy.”

“I figured it would be the hardest thing I’ve ever done,” I admitted, not bothering to hide my emotions. She needed to see I was serious and genuine. I’d do whatever it took to get Pearl back into my life. Plus, having Arden put in a good word would go further than I could alone. “She’s worth it.”

“I agree. Strap in cowboy; it’s gonna be a wild ride,” she said with a grin gracing her face, making her look even younger. “In regard to this, I’m going to look into it and see if there’s a note somewhere explaining the incomplete record.”

“I would appreciate that, but what could possibly be the reason?”

“It’s hard to say, but a sudden death or exile would explain it,” she shrugged, unsure.

There was another possibility, one that I wasn’t comfortable voicing in front of Arden. The reason was likely because, until last night, she was still living.

Everything revolving around Faela was complicated, and I had a feeling it was about to get ten times more confusing.

Chapter Nine


I didn’t see Arden for the rest of the day, which dragged on and on. I kept busy with my work, but my focus was elsewhere. Rylan was in my thoughts more than I cared to admit and it bothered me to no end.

His little speech about getting to know each other again felt genuine, but I was having a hard time looking past his actions. It was difficult, sure, but the desire to hear him out was new, not to mention my left arm going tingly when he was near. What did it mean? Was it a warning to stay away?

My wolf harrumphed in my thoughts, but I ignored her. I was well aware of her opinion on the matter. She was all for hearing Rylan out while I was the one dragging my feet. To be completely honest, I was having a hard time trying to come up with a reason why I should stay away. My heart, my body, my soul, every part of me, it seemed, wanted reconciliation with him. It was my mind that was the problem.

The second hand on the clock ticked slowly in time with my heartbeat, and after an eternity, it was finally time to punch out for the day. I clocked out then waited for another fifteen minutes before gathering my things and exiting the building. I’d missed my normal bus ride back to the pack on purpose. Ledger and Rylan had both been at the archives today, and I couldn’t afford to run into either of them.

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