Page 19 of Moon Kissed

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After talking with Arden, we decided it was best for me to lay low for a couple days. The alpha-apparent and beta looking into something was one thing, but if they found I was looking too, they’d no doubt be suspicious. Three was a crowd anyway.

As a distraction, I’d grabbed books on the Moon Spirit, intending to learn all I could about the werewolf creator and deity. Faela had said that the Moon Spirit would guide me, but how, exactly?

I sighed, rubbing my face with my hand and fighting back tears because, for a moment, it felt like I’d actually accepted that this was my new life. I didn’t know enough yet, but I did know without a shadow of a doubt that Idid notwant to be the Alpha Seeker. Faela wanted me to succeed where she had failed, but I had no idea what she had failed at. Once I figured that out, I could plan my next steps.

I hefted the books I’d borrowed, ready to learn more about the Moon Spirit. I know it was our creator, taking human and wolf souls and combining them into one being, making a new species. The reason was a matter of opinion. Most stories I heard claimed that they desired a race of their own, so humans and wolves were the obvious choice.

I reached the bus stop and sat on the bench, resigning myself to a long wait for a ride. Night hadn’t completely fallen yet, so I could read for a little bit, but I wasn’t ready to start researching since that was literally my day job.

I took a deep inhale and watched as the light faded from the sky. The sunset was lovely and made me want to watch more of them, which I felt was an easy thing to commit to. It beat sunrises. I was not a morning person, and I doubted that there were such people who were. No one liked waking up. No one. Well… maybe psychopaths.

I chuckled at my train of thought, thankful that the bus stop was empty. The last thing I needed was more attention.

Speaking of, the hairs on the base of my neck stood on end as the unmistakable feeling of being watched tingled through my body. I shivered then pushed my senses out, trying to pinpoint where the eyes were located. The archives weren’t in the middle of the city but on the outskirts, so feeling like I was being watched wasn’t uncommon. Humans were everywhere but they had no idea of our existence. However, something about the watcher felt ominous, dangerous.

I turned my head cautiously toward the area where I could feel them, with my wolf on high alert and close to the surface. There was a park right next to the archives that was used mainly to stretch shifter legs after being cooped up inside all day. I watched the trees closely for any movement, but as the seconds ticked by, I felt more and more ridiculous.

Then, a wolf stepped out of the trees. Its coat was pure white, which seemed to glow in the dimming light of the sun. I sat frozen in my seat, eyes wide as I watched it take several steps closer then stop, sit down, and stare at me.

I swallowed thickly, unsure what I should do. It was obviously a shifter, but a white wolf stepping out into the open like that was asking for trouble. Luckily there was no one around, but still, it was risky.

White wolves were considered bad omens. Something about a pale-haired wolf centuries ago that changed the packs. The Apollo Pack was dissolved, and those wolves developed a stigma. No one trusted them or wanted them in their packs. That was why I didn’t shift and run with mine or draw attention to myself. Who knew what would happen to me if anyone got a bee up their ass about the color of my wolf’s fur?

The wolf cocked its head, like it knew what I was thinking. I was a white wolf too, so I wouldn’t raise the alarm or anything, but I was stunned because I thought I was the only one since I hadn’t heard about any in the other packs. That didn’t mean they didn’t exist. I had just never met another one before.

“Hello,” I said, speaking quietly, knowing they would be able to hear my soft words.

The wolf’s ears twitched, but that was the only indication that it had heard me. I sniffed the air but didn’t smell anything besides the park. I frowned, wondering if I was too far away to pick up its scent when it suddenly stood up. The movement startled me, and I jumped, ready for whatever it was going to do.

The moon rose over the treetops behind the creator, making its fur look iridescent. It looked up at the silvery orb for a moment then swung its head back to me. I blinked, wondering if I was actually seeing what I was. As if in response to my thoughts, my left arm began to tingle. I grabbed my wrist and gritted my teeth so I wouldn’t show the discomfort I felt, but the sharp-eyed wolf noticed.

It gazed at me intently for a full minute before it nodded its head, as if agreeing to something, then turned and walked away. It disappeared into the trees of the park once again, and I was left questioning what the hell that had been about.

The bus pulled onto the street at that moment, and I breathed out a sigh of relief. I was ready to go home and hide away from all the strange things that were happening around me. I climbed in and found a seat, thankful that it was empty of passengers.

“Where are you heading?” the bus driver asked, sounding as tired as I felt.

“The meadow,” I answered, leaning my head against the window.

“At night?” The driver shook his head, probably thinking I’d lost my mind. “Dangerous at night.”

I just nodded but didn’t say anything further. The meadow was located on another pack’s land, but if I walked through it, I could get to my house faster without having to go through my pack’s common areas. The less people who saw me, the better.

The ride was quick since we didn’t make any stops until we reached the meadow. The bus rolled to a halt, and the driver opened the door for me. I thanked him and exited the vehicle, my arms still full of books.

“Be careful now,” the driver called after me before closing the door.

I smiled and waved then stepped off the road and onto the thick layer of grass. The moon was bright white and guided my steps as I worked my way toward home. As I strolled, I tried to open myself up to the Moon Spirit, hoping that it would speak to me or something. I didn’t hear any voices in my head, but I did feel a sense of peace come over me, like the Moon Spirit was trying to tell me that everything would be all right.

I had no way to know if it was actually the Moon Spirit or my imagination, but it did help me relax somewhat, so by the time I got home, I was ready for bed.

* * *

A white wolf appeared in the mist, its fur glowing in the darkness. Its eyes were dark, and for a moment, I thought they were black, but as I drew closer, I realized that they were a deep blue.

The wolf watched as I approached before turning and walking into the mist. I hesitated, not sure if I should follow.

The wolf looked over its shoulder at me, like it was daring me not to. It was a clear challenge, one that I didn’t have the heart to refuse. I took a step forward, my chin angled up in defiance, my eyes never leaving the wolf’s.
