Page 20 of Moon Kissed

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It huffed and then turned around, tail swishing as it walked away. I followed, fog growing thicker the further we went. The air was cool but not uncomfortable. Every now and then, the wolf would puff out an exhale or pause to make sure I was still following it.

I couldn’t see my surroundings, but I started to notice that it was getting brighter, like the sun was about to fully rise, but instead of it being a warm yellow color, it was white. The mist swirled around the wolf and me, and I began to wonder if the wolf wasmywolf. We were part of each other, but we’d never seen each other in this sort of way.

The light grew brighter and brighter, to the point that it started to hurt my eyes. That was when the wolf stopped and turned to me, deep blue eyes staring into my own with a mixture of sadness and determination.

I didn’t like the way it was looking at me, but I couldn’t seem to turn my gaze away. The wolf’s eyes held me transfixed, and something passed between us, an unspoken message that I felt but couldn’t quite understand.

The wolf’s tail flicked, and I realized that it was frustrated. I couldn’t blame it. Having no way to communicate was infuriating.

An idea struck me, and I looked at the wolf with new eyes.Was this the Moon Spirit?I guessed the pack theories had been all wrong. The Moon Spirit wasn’t a person; it was a wolf. A white wolf.

The realization had me shaking my head, wondering how history had gotten it so wrong.

The wolf’s ears twitched, and a thought dropped into my mind. The Moon Spirit was a wolf because they only saw the world in black and white. The human side of us filled in the gray areas and helped our animal side with reasoning. The Moon Spirit didn’t have a human half, so seeing the grey in the world or understanding human reasoning was beyond its capacity.

Was this where I came in? Was I the bridge between the Moon Spirit and the wolves back home? I couldn’t be sure, but I felt like that was only part of what my purpose was now. Faela, the previous Alpha Seeker, hadn’t found the alpha that would unite the packs, so that duty had been passed to me.

I frowned, wondering how I was supposed to find an alpha trustworthy enough to unite the packs.

The wolf sighed, drawing my attention back to it. It walked forward until it was close enough to nuzzle my left hand. The markings twinged at the touch. It felt weird, but I didn’t flinch away. It sat down in front of me, deep blue eyes staring into my own, and once again, something dropped into my thoughts. But this time, it didn’t stop.

Information was being passed from the wolf to me. Pain radiated from my head, and I closed my eyes, hoping that it would break the connection. It didn’t, but it made it easier to bear.

I jerked, eyes blinking open, and found myself in my bed at home, my mind abuzz with thoughts that weren’t mine.

Chapter Ten


It was a few days before I could return to the archives. My beta duties kept me occupied, but I was happy to see that Ledger was also busy. Which meant he hadn’t had time to get back here either.

I walked in and noticed that Arden was manning the desk, her hair now the color of bubble gum. It was a bit jarring compared to the drab surroundings, but I found it refreshing. She spotted me right away then jerked her head to a closed door.

I took the hint and entered the room. It was small, with a chair and a counter that acted like a desk. There was nothing else in the room, so I leaned against the counter, crossing my arms, ready to wait.

Five minutes later, the door cracked open, then Arden slipped into the room, closing it quietly behind her.

“Took you forever,” she said as a way of greeting.

“I couldn’t get away until now,” I explained, belatedly realizing that I didn’t owe her an explanation.

“Well, I have better things to do than research obscure alpha family members for you.” She rolled her eyes, and I had to fight back a laugh. It was hard not to find her amusing when her looks and attitude were a contradiction.

“She really isn’t that obscure,” I grumbled, fighting a grin at the annoyed look on her face.

“Whatever.” She waved away my comment then stuck her hand in her pocket and withdrew a folded piece of paper. “The reason that wolf wasn’t in the record book is because she’s still alive, but also because she was incarcerated.”

“Did it say why she was incarcerated?” I asked, taking the slip of paper that she held out to me.

“You didn’t ask for that.” She walked to the door. “If you want to know that you’ll need to find it yourself. In the restricted section.”

I opened my mouth to ask where that was, but she was closing the door before I could.

My jaw flexed at the abrupt silence. She was a strange person.

I remembered the piece of paper she handed me, so I looked down and stared at it for a moment before unfolding it.

