Page 47 of Love Blitz

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He wagged his head. “Not really. No biggie though.” He walked me back toward the car. “But I’m willing to celebrate with you tonight.” His lips were on my neck. “If you don’t mind sharing your day.”

The last birthday I celebrated went very differently. I didn’t even want to remember the little effort Shawn put into it. After getting home, and not saying anything, he ordered a cupcake to the house and lit a tea light candle for me to blow out. Only after Tatiana called for the umpteenth time singing happy birthday. He must have overheard her andremembered.

I looked him in the eye and said, “I don’t mind at all.”

“Good.” His teeth tugged on my bottom lip. “Oh, before I forget. Fly out to Denver for my next game?”

“Next game?” I tilted my head to the side. “You sure about that?”

When he nodded and said, “And every game after that if you are available,” it was better than blowing out a tea light. Or a cake full of twenty-seven candles.

Still, I said, “And you introduced me as your girl…”

He wiped a hand across his beard. Rubbed it along the side of his face as his dimples threatened to show. “My bad.” He grinned. “Will.” He pecked my forehead. “You.” Then my nose. “Be.” My collar bone. “My.” And finally, my lips. “Girl?”

“Yeah,” I said without hesitation. “And I’ll come to the game in Denver. After that, I’ll let you know.” I knew already I’d be at any game he wanted me at. My jersey would stay on the ready.

“Good.” He opened the passenger door. “Let’s go celebrateourbirthdays. The win.” He paused as I climbed into the seat. “And us.”



“The trainers have cleared Mario to play…” I didn’t need to hear the rest of what Coach Boyd had to say. I knew Mario in the game, meant I was out. I clenched my fist, and my jaw tightened. I could have punched a locker.

Of course, I knew it was only a matter of time before he reclaimed his position, but I thought I’d have at least a few more games. “Listen, you did well. When the time comes, you’ll be playing more.” Coach’s face held a hopeful glare. But I wasn’t buying it.

“Right.” I looked around the room then asked, “Anything else?”

“That’s it.” As I walked from his office he said, “Bus leaves for the plane in a few minutes.”

Yeah, they waited until we were about to leave for Denver to clear Mario.

I twisted my wrist up then rushed to my phone. In a couple of hours Gigi would be leaving for the airport. With me out, there was no point in her coming to Denver. When she picked up, her perky voice boomed through the phone.

I clenched my eyes closed. “Hey, Gigi, don’t worry about leaving for the airport.”

“Huh?” Her voice squeaked. “Is everything okay? Did something happen?”

“Yeah. Mario is back in. I’ll be on the sidelines. No point in coming to watch that shit.” My head started to throb thinking about being on the sidelines for the first time in the season.

“Okay,” Gigi’s voice was quiet. I couldn’t tell if she was mad like me. That I wasn’t playing in the game, or if there was something else.

“You good?”

She didn’t hesitate when she said, “I mean, no. I rearranged my schedule to be at the game today. Moved my Monday morning patients around in case the flight got delayed coming back. I took every precaution.”

“That’s all you wanted? To be at the game. The perks of being with a football player?”

She barked, “What? No.”

I wanted to believe her, but what could I say when her enthusiasm waned when shit changed. I leaned on my knees and said, “It’s cool. I’ll talk to you when I’m back in Phoenix.”

Before hanging up, I heard her yell, “Angelo.” And my entire body froze.

“You know what. That’s not necessary. I thought you were different from my ex. Someone who only considered his feelings, and not once thought of mine. I won’t do that again. I can’t do that. I was naïve. And…” She chuckled, “Ironically, you were the one to open my eyes.” She sucked her teeth. “Lesson learned.”

“For real? You are comparing me tohim.Of all people. Now?” I frowned. “Bet. I won’t worry about calling you.” I hung up the phone. Except, the entire flight to Denver, Gigi was the only thing I could think about. With my mind off the plays I’d need to call, she invaded my thoughts.
