Page 48 of Love Blitz

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How she looked when I asked her to be my girl. The bedroom after when she wrapped her mouth around my dick, then rode it till her head fell on my chest. The way my mama bragged about her for days after.

“Yo, man,” Forrest nudged my arm as the plane landed in Denver, “The worst thing that could happen tonight is a loss. The best thing that could happen tonight is Mario fucks it up.” He eyed me. “I want the win.” He pointed at me. “And you should too.”

“I do,” I told him confidently. There was no doubt about that. I wanted a win more than anything. Even more than me helping to deliver it. If we made it all the way, there’d be more eyes on the team. More potential for me to get traded to a team that needed me in their number one spot.

“See, that’s what I’m talking about.” Forrest slapped my back before standing. “A win is a win.” His hands dangled in the air, and I laughed.

My phone vibrated in my pocket as we filed off the plane and onto the bus. I looked at the screen and saw my dad’s name. I didn’t have it in me to talk to him. I didn’t want him trying to boost my mood about sitting on the sidelines. I wanted to be pissed. Without anyone reminding me I should be grateful. Blessed to have the opportunity to be on the roster. So, I ignored his call.

By the time the team took the field, I was deep in my feelings. Madder when I saw Mario on the field. The weaknesses I saw in training camp were no different during the game. If he didn’t work through that shit, we’d lose. I stood next to Coach Boyd and said, “He’s holding the ball too loose.”

He frowned. “I know. We work on that every practice and yet here we are.”

I raised my hands in defense. “I’m just saying.” I pointed to the scoreboard. “Shit is getting bad.”

He scoffed and rolled his shoulder as the offense returned to the sideline. We were down by three touchdowns at the half. I found Mario in the locker room and told him, “A little advice?”

He frowned but listened.

“Get the ball to Jacobi. Whatever it takes, even if you have to hand it off. Don’t exit the field when you can’t find him. Wait for him.” I laughed. “Keep this up, I’ll take your spot.” I tilted my head to the side. “But as bad as I want to be back out there, I want a win.” I leaned down to look him in the face at his level on the bench. “We need a win.”

“I got it.” He nodded his head. “So you know, I plan on keeping this position.”

I gripped his shoulder. “Do that shit then.”

He didn’t. He may have done even worse the second half. The game clock ran down, and Denver had the ball. Not like we could have managed to gain four touchdowns in twenty seconds anyway. But when I looked to the crowd, I wished my people were there. I could use a boost.

Damn, I fucked up.Gigi could have been meeting me on the field. Giving me something to grasp in my hands since they stayed empty the entire game.



Okay, so I wanted to be on some, “Fuck dudes, get money,” vibes. But the more I uttered the words, it sounded crazy. Even crazier because thefuck dudesled to me only wanting tofuckAngelo. I didn’t want to give two fucks about his game, and whether they won or lost. Still, I watched, glued to the screen for a glimpse of him. He wasn’t on the field, so it was a little harder than I anticipated. Catching his scowl on the sidelines as Mario blew the game was heart wrenching.

I knew enough about sports to know you’d want the best man in. Up until Angelo joined the team, maybe Mario was the best. From what I could see though, that was not the case anymore. Angelo should have been in the game.

Again though, I shouldn’t have cared if he was in the game or not. I wasn’t adie-hardFury fan. I was only adie-hardAngelo fan. Living in Phoenix, my daddy was never a fan. It was easy not to notice their wins or losses over the years. Unlike his favorite team, one where he made sure we knew the number of rings they held. He would have been prouder if I linked up with one of their players. When Georgia mentioned my connection to Angelo, he showed little enthusiasm.

If I had to, I’d go back to that energy. Not caring whether the Fury won or lost the game. If only tearing my eyes from the games was possible. It wasn’t.

Not even the days that followed. All the reports of Mario’s terrible performance. The comparisons of Angelo’s games prior. I couldn’t stop watching any of it.

The comparisons didn’t stop there. Not with Mario and Angelo. At least not for me. It dragged on to Angelo and Shawn. I should have been in the office with my patients without a thought of Angelo. Certainly, none of Shawn. But there I was, my last patient of the day, and all I could do was compare the way Shawn was, and the way Angelo ended up being. To my knowledge, Angelo didn’t go stick his dick in some other chick. But it didn’t change the way he made me feel after telling me not to fly to Denver. It might have felt worse. Like a fall from grace of some sorts.

I sighed.

“Dr. Hayes.” Jenna’s eyes broadened. “Dr. Hayes.” By the third time she called my name, I realized my probe fell from the patient’s mouth and was sitting on their chest.

“I’m sorry.” I couldn’t explain what happened because I didn’t know. Whatever it was, I needed to get it together, and quick. “Let me get you out of here, sir.”

He eyed me but didn’t say anything. Turning his attention back to the television and the local news playing. After he left though, I had to face Jenna.

With her hands on her hips, she asked, “Dr. Hayes, what was that?” Her hand covered her mouth and the laughter stopped. “I’ve never seen anyone daze out like that. Especially not you.” She mumbled under her breath, “Maybe Dr. Tony.” She looked over her shoulder as if he could hear her from the other exam room.

I wiped my hand across my forehead before gripping the sides of my white coat. “I wish I could tell you.”

“Le sigh,” she said in unison with the breath I exhaled. “Everything okay with you and the new boo?” Her eyes crinkled but I didn’t respond. “Okay, fair.” She put her hands in the air. “I did tell you not to talk about your personal business in the office.” Her mouth inched closer to my ear. “Except I’m not Lora Leigh.” She backed away. “Spill it.”
