Page 66 of Love Blitz

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The sun’s rays reflected off his pool and I realized I didn’t move from that position all night. I stayed wrapped in his cocoon. I had to get to work and had no idea what time it was. I eased from his embrace and tip toed to the bathroom.

“Need this?” he asked as I opened the door again. His fingers tugged at the hairs falling into my face. “Slept without your bonnet last night. My bad, babe.”

I smirked. “Last night is nothing to apologize for.”

He winked as I took my bag from him and closed the door. I hurried my shower and pulled on my clothes. I had a stack of patients lined up and needed to get into the office. Before the first arrived, there was one other thing I needed to do.

“See you tonight?” he asked as I met him in the kitchen.

“Of course,” I said, leaning up on my tippy toes to kiss him.

* * *

Although I deleted Shawn’s number from my phone, there was one other that remained because she never called me, and I never called her. Unfortunately, she was the only person that could talk some sense into him.

“Hello?” Her nonchalant voice let me know my number was likely never saved in her phone.

“Mrs. Victors, this is Gianna.” Her non-recognition made me want to hurl. “Gianna Hayes. Shawn’sex.”

“Right. Gianna. What do I owe the…” her words trailed. “Why are you calling?”

As I rolled my eyes, I said, “I know we didn’t get along. The years before Shawn proposed. For some reason, I could never win you over.” I thought about the effort I presented each time I saw her. “But when he proposed I pushed all that aside. I was excited to join your family. Create a bond between us.” Shawn told me his mama always wanted a daughter. So, it wasn’t completely odd that I thought she’d welcome me. “Then he crushed me, embarrassed me, and I expect you too.” I didn’t talk to his family when everything fell apart. I didn’t have words for anyone at the time. Still, they didn’t even attempt to reach out to me.

I continued as she sat quiet on the phone. “All I want is the opportunity to restore what was stolen from me. A chance at happiness. I know what happened between him and my boyfriend is inexcusable. Angelo may have been the one to land the punch, but there were a line of people waiting to take that hit.” I huffed. “I need Shawn to drop this.”

It wasn’t often the villain in the story who rectified a situation. I should have assumed nothing more for Shawn’s mama. My shoulders slumped the longer she stalled on the phone. “You know what—”

“You expect me to persuademy sonto drop charges against a man who nearly broke his jaw?”

I knew Angelo had strength. I studied every curve of his body the night before. He wasn’t slipping at his daily gym visits. I didn’t expect that Shawn’s jaw was almost broken though. The thought of it happening to anyone, even if that person was Shawn, made me wince.

A long sigh cascaded through my car speakers as I sat in front of the office. “But you’re right, he’s embarrassed me enough this year. The last thing I need is anything more to put our friends at odds with us.” Her friends mattered the most to her. Her highbrow community gave her a reason to flaunt her expensive clothes, and fake smile. Under her breath, she uttered, “Imagine their faces when the invites were rescinded.” She scoffed, “I’ll speak to my husband.”

“I appreciate that, Mrs. Victors.” Her word pretty much finalized it. From what I knew of Mr. Victors, he took pride inhappy wife happy life.I sank back into my seat. A stream of tears threatening to fall. Gratitude or not, I didn’t want to give her the pleasure of hearing me cry.

“Gianna, I hope you will be happy. Someone like that. Someone willing to risk it all for you.” She scoffed, “Let’s just say I wish my son were more like that.”

“Angelo is a keeper. And so unexpected,” I said, “It hurt that things didn’t work out with me and Shawn.” I admitted, “Completely wrecked me. But honestly, if I had to go through it all again to end up here…” I hesitated. “I would.”

“Good luck, Gianna.”

I had to hurry off the phone because the tears were falling. Streaming down my face. I wiped them away because I had to walk inside. My patient would be waiting for me. There was nothing I wanted less than Lora Leigh seeing me red-eyed and sniffling.

Especially since my heart was bursting with joy.




It was the first time our families gathered. For weeks, my dad had been telling me with the Fury’s winning streak he could become a fan. It helped that Angelo promised him club seats for the next home game.

Georgia teased she’d save a teammate for Tatiana. But Tatiana insisted she had to be there herself. Even Jared and Cam made it in for the game. All the love and support couldn’t be more deserved.

On and off the field, Angelo was proving he was a decent guy. Everyone around him trusted he’d fight hard for what he wanted in the game—a win. In life—love. But it didn’t matter if not a single other person was at the game that day. I would have showed up alone, proudly sporting my Isaac jersey.

Like the games leading up to that one, Fury was winning. The team, as my dad said, was showing out. He and Mr. Isaac huddled in a corner conversing about the offense’s, and the defense’s, great stats.
