Page 113 of State of Denial

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Sam laughed. “I love you more every day, Vernon.”

“Likewise, Sam.”

The exchange gave her a warm and fuzzy feeling that reminded her of being with her dad, which immediately made her emotional. She turned to look out the window so Freddie wouldn’t see the tears in her eyes. The longer Skip was gone, the more she missed him. But she couldn’t deny that the fatherly affection from Vernon helped to fill a bit of the void. Life was so crazy that way. Skip had left. Vernon had entered.

And the days went rolling on.


“You okay?” Freddie asked. “I’m sure this case is triggering in some ways for you.”

“I’m okay about that.” She picked up her phone and typed a text to him.Vernon hit me in the feels just now. Thinking about Skippy and how one door closes… etc.

Vernon adores you.

Likewise. I enjoy him—and Jimmy.

They’re good guys to spend the day with.

For sure. Okay, that’s it. I’m over it.


“Hey, Jimmy,” Sam said. “You told me you’re married, but you never gave me the details. Fess up.”

“Oh, um, my wife’s name is Liz, and we’ve been together since ninth grade.”

“Of course you have,” Sam said. “That’s very sweet. What does she do?”

“She teaches kindergarten at Malcolm X Elementary in Southeast.”

“Ah, that’s amazing. I need to see a picture.”

He handed his phone to her. “That’s us in ninth grade. The next one is our wedding, and then after that is last weekend.”

Sam scrolled through the photos of the young blond couple, to a stunning bride and groom, to a third photo of a happily married couple. “You guys are adorable.”

“Thanks. We’re expecting our first baby this summer.”

“Congratulations,” Sam and Freddie said together.

“Do you know what you’re having?” Sam asked.

“A boy.”

“So fun. Can’t wait to meet Liz and your son.”

“She’d love that. She’s one of your many fans.”

“I have fans?” Sam asked.

The three men laughed.

“She has no clue,” Freddie said.

“And I like it that way,” Sam said. “What’s the latest with the Joint Chiefs and Nick’s mother?”

Freddie checked his phone. “Nick’s mother is being held without bail. The prosecutor described her as a flight risk.”
