Page 52 of State of Denial

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“Yes, sir, Mr. President.”

The FBI was brought in to conduct the arrests of the Joint Chiefs.

Watching that happen was surreal to Nick.

That none of them objected or declared their innocence told him that they were all in on it, which was unbelievable. How could none of them say to the others,Hey, this might not be the best idea we’ve ever had?

When each of them had been led from the room to be processed by the FBI, Nick sat back in his chair. “What do we do now?”

“You’ll need to make a statement.” Graham seemed as shell-shocked as Nick felt. “Right away. Tonight.”

To Terry, Nick said, “Let the media know I’ll be making a statement in the press room in thirty minutes.”

Terry left the room to see to Nick’s order.

The rest of the people gathered around the table seemed to be waiting for Nick to break the silence. “This is an unfortunate turn of events, but we’ll press on with the job the American people expect us to do on their behalf. New chiefs will be appointed, and our national defense will remain strong and devoted to the defense of the Constitution.”

“That’s what you need to say in your statement,” Graham said. “Exactly that.”

“I’ll take this opportunity to remind our service members stationed around the world that you’re our commander in chief,” Jennings said. “I’ll make it clear that anyone unwilling to follow your orders should notify their chain of command so they can be dishonorably discharged.”

Nick appreciated the secretary’s loyalty to the Constitution, even if he might not fully support Nick as his commander in chief. “Again, I’d like to remind you that if you feel uncertain about continuing to serve my administration, you may submit your resignation at any time, with my thanks for your service.”

“That won’t be necessary, sir,” Jennings said. “It’s my pleasure to continue serving you and my country as secretary of Defense.”

“Thank you, Mr. Secretary. I’m sure you have things to see to, if you’d like to go do that.”

“Thank you, Mr. President.” Jennings exited the room, leaving Gretchen, Jessica, Graham and Derek remaining.

“What the hell just happened?” Graham asked.

“I’m sorry about this, Mr. President,” Gretchen said. “It’s outrageous and unconscionable.”

“Yes, it’s both those things,” Nick said. “It’s been that kind of day around here.”

“What can we do for you, sir?” Derek asked.

It still rankled to hear one of his closest friends call him sir, but he appreciated the respect, especially considering recent events. “I could use some help crafting the statement.”

Derek reached for a pad and pen on the table, since outside electronic devices were prohibited inside the Situation Room. “Let’s do it.”


As Sam and her detail approached the White House, they passed a line of FBI SUVs leaving the complex. “What’s going on?” she asked the agent who was driving her.

“I’m not sure, ma’am.”

He pulled up to the door, and another agent opened the SUV door for her. “Why was the FBI here?” Sam asked him.

“I don’t know, ma’am.”

Inside, Sam asked the first person she saw, Harold, one of the White House ushers, where she might find the president.

“I believe he’s still in the Situation Room, ma’am.”

Sam had decided that room was her least favorite in the White House because it required Nick’s presence far too often for her liking. “Will you please get word to him that I’m home?”

“Yes, ma’am. Right away.”
