Page 58 of State of Denial

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He wanted her to have more time to rest and recover, but that decision had to be up to her. “Guess what?”


“Sam made me the lead on a huge new case today.”

“Wow. That’s amazing. Are you going to be the boss of her for a change?”

“Ha! No, she’s taking a short leave of absence.”


“She thinks maybe she came back too soon after Spence died.”

“Oh, yeah, I can see that.” She turned off the music. “I was going to make something for dinner.”

“How about we go out?”

“I wouldn’t say no to that. Let me just grab a quick shower.”

“Take your time.”


He’d been on his way out of the room, but he turned back.

“You can stop looking so worried. I’m okay.”

“That’s all that matters to me.”

“I know, and you’ve been wonderful. I couldn’t have gotten through it without you. But I want to try to get back on track now.”

“Whatever you need, love.”

“I need you to stop looking at me like I might break. I won’t. I promise.”

“I love you so freaking much.”

“That was almost aswear, Freddie Cruz,” she said in a scandalized whisper.

“Just speaking the truth.”

“I love you, too. We’ll be okay, and in a few months, we’ll try again, and we’ll keep trying until we get it right.”

“I’m here for the trying, any time you’d like.”

Her bright smile was the best thing he’d seen in days. “I’ll keep you posted.”

While she went to shower, he retrieved his notebook from the drawer and placed a call to Kelly Goodson. “This is Detective Cruz from the MPD, circling back with another question for you.”

“Of course. Whatever I can do.”

“Were you aware that Marcel had been sued by four former patients for sexually inappropriate behavior while under his care?”

“What?No. I knew nothing about that.”

“You said Liliana spoke to you about everything.”

“She did, but she never said anything about that. Although…”
