Page 7 of State of Denial

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“That’s exactly what we said.”

“She’s a grifter, and soon the whole world will see what we’ve known all along.”

“I hope that’s how it goes,” Sam said. “It’s the last thing Nick needs with everything else he’s got going on. He’s finally making some inroads in convincing people he’s a legitimate president, and now this.”

“This, too, shall pass. Something else will happen to knock it out of the headlines. That’s how these things go.”

“I hope whatever knocks it out of the headlines isn’t worse than this.”

“I’m sure it won’t be,” Freddie said.

“I wish I could be so confident. It’s always something awful. That’s one reason I was so glad when he said he wasn’t running for president.” To Vernon and Jimmy, she added, “That’s on the deep down-low, guys.”

“Everything is,” Vernon said.

“Thank you.”

“How’s Ang?” Freddie asked.

“I talked to her last night, and she sounded pretty good, all things considered. She said the kids went down easy, and for the first time since Spence died, Jack didn’t cry at bedtime.”

“Poor kid.”

“I hate this for him more than anyone.”

“It’s so freaking tragic.”

Sam’s brother-in-law Spencer had recently overdosed on fentanyl-laced pain pills, and the family was still reeling from the sudden, shocking loss. “We’ve got the preliminary hearing in that case next week.” At the hearing, they would lay out the case they’d built against the people who’d produced and sold the lethal medication and hope to see it remanded over to trial.

“Gonzo can take that.”

“I’ll do it.”

“Sam, you don’t have to.”

“Ang will want to be there, so I’ll go with her.”

“Sometimes it’s all too much,” Freddie said with a sigh.

“Just sometimes?”

“Most of the time.”

“No one says you have to do this job for the rest of your life, you know.”

He shot her a look of pretend offense. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

“Not even kinda, but there’s other stuff you can do besides this.”

“I’d be bored out of my mind,” he said.

“Probably, but you wouldn’t be subjected to trauma on a daily basis or thrust into danger on the regular.”

Freddie turned in his seat to study her more closely.

Sam rubbed her cheek. “What? Do I have something on my face?”

“Where’s this coming from?”
