Page 72 of State of Denial

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“Thanks, Sam.”

“We’ll talk again soon.”

“Look forward to it.”

Sam leftthe East Wing feeling as if things were under control there thanks to her wonderful colleagues. Without them, there was no way she could’ve continued in her job with the MPD while serving as first lady. Thanks to social media, she was able to look active and engaged in the job even when she wasn’t. Not really, anyway.

She followed the now-familiar path to the West Wing, where she was always greeted with reverence. It would’ve been amusing to her anywhere else, but it was just another reminder of how much their lives had changed.

“Is he free?” Sam asked the admin outside the Oval.

“Yes, ma’am, he is. Go right in.”

“Remind me of your name.”

“It’s Ginger.”

Oh right, she should’ve remembered her from his VP office. “Thank you, Ginger.”

“Of course, ma’am.”

It was a ma’am kind of day. That’s what she got for staying home from work.

Sam gave a quick knock on the door to the Oval Office and then stepped inside, closing the door behind her.

Nick looked up from what he was doing, and the pleasure that overtook his expression would probably be the single best second of her day. As he got up from the Resolute Desk to come to her, Sam was amazed at the butterflies that still invaded her belly any time he was near.

“Hello, Mrs. C,” he said, kissing her. “How’s your day off going?”

“Not bad. How’s your day from hell going?”

“Could be worse, I suppose.”

Sam smiled and reached up to caress his face. “Anything I can do to make things better?”

“You already did just by walking through that door.”


Nick held her so tightly, it should’ve hurt, but it didn’t.

“I was about to grab a bite to eat. Want to join me?”

She had about forty-five minutes until she needed to leave to meet her sisters. “Sure.”

Nick extended his hand to her and then led her through his sitting room off the Oval Office into a private dining room.

“I had no idea this was here,” Sam said.

Nick held a seat for her at the table and then leaned in to kiss the side of her neck. “That’s because you’re never here at lunchtime.”

“I’m sorry for that,” she said as he took a seat next to her.

“What? Why?”

“I’m never here to have lunch with you.”

“That’s fine, Sam,” he said with the smile that made her life complete. “I rarely get to eat in here anyway.”
