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Thomas was right. Killing the Fed would have led down the road to hell Richie is on. “I'm going to kill Richie.”

“I'm not asking you to. Aleksander has plans for him as the cause of his wife's pain. He would be pissed if someone else did it.” Milos shakes his head.

I understand Aleksander’s anger. It’s exactly why it will be me who kills the man. “I want to kill Richie.”

He pulls his phone and makes a call that is answered on the first ring, then hits speaker. “He wants to kill Richie.”

“No.” Aleksander answers hard and fast. “The fucker is mine.”

“Wrong. He’s mine. He beat his daughter, my woman.” I make it clear I’m not asking.

Aleksander swears in Russian. “Fine. As long as you make it messy and painful.”

Not a problem, at all. “I will.”

He ends the call with a smile. “Congratulations on your marriage.”

I’m aware he recently took a wife as well. “You too.” I tell him as I leave.

Walking away, I imagine the ways I’m going to make Richie Angelo pay for attempting to smear me with his bullshit.



I’m pretending I’m not hurt I haven’t seen Manuel all week. It’s too early to be awake, but Manuel called me this morning to tell me there was a change in plans. Franco is driving me to the home of Carlo Toro, the Don of the Outfit, for my wedding. Two hours earlier than previously planned.

The marriage contract was signed off the day after I left my father and Manuel downstairs, no one has seen my father since then. Carlo Toro and my father were good friends. Even though Carlo is only a decade older than my father, Carlo treated my father like a son and is my godfather.

None of that will save my father’s life. Franco explained Carlo is angry my father has escaped the death sentence awaiting him. However, Carlo will do what is right for me as I agreed to the marriage, and it takes me out of the mess my father has made.

So I’m on my way to marry a man I’ve known for about two hours total, had three insane sexual encounters with, lacks empathy, and can’t love me. Squeezing my eyes shut so tight I see spots behind my eyelids, I wonder how is this my life?

I knew I didn’t have an exactly normal life or traditional expectations of what my life was going to be, but this feels on a completely different level. I’m being married not for the fancy school manners my father paid for but the fact I was willing to mother another woman’s children.

It hits me. The only reason I’m able to marry him is because my previous fiancé is dead. A man I knew far less than Manuel, who told me with a sneer and revulsion he would never love me or even care for me. Relief sends an exhalation of air out of me.

Franco clears his throat from the driver’s seat. “You going to be okay, Nick?”

I can’t help smiling at the old nickname he gave me forever ago but had stopped using in the last few years. “I feel like I should be asking you that question. Where’s Dad? Is he dead?” I steel myself for his answer.

No one has told me a thing. Manuel texted me orders and a few questions. None were personal in any way. Did I want to keep the furniture in the house or could he have it redone? I thought he meant his house, but he meant this one. I wanted to ask about him being the one to keep the house but simply told him I was okay with him redoing it.

His only other communication was for my checking account information so he could set up the payments for my allowance. The cards that came in my married name were to be used for my needs as well as the needs of the children.

The only person I’ve seen in the last week is Dominic Sabatini. He confirmed I wanted to marry Manuel, and no one was making me. I thought it was sweet and assured him I did. He left me with a bank account no one could link to me and now had an even one million dollars as my own settlement. I’m also reminded if I need anything I can always contact him, and he’ll help.

I thanked him and assured him I’m not afraid of Manuel. I’m not. I know he’s going to hurt me. Not physically. I don’t believe he’ll abuse me, but he will hurt me. He won’t mean to. I don’t believe he’ll do it maliciously.

I do know at some point he’s going to rip my heart from my chest, toss it in a blender, and hit puree. Because for some insane, unknown, makes absolutely no fucking sense way, that makes perfect sense, I’m in love with him.

I’m going to marry him because I can’t not. Walking away isn’t an option. My hope is enough years of good will outweigh the pain that will come.

Another clearing of his throat becomes a cough. “I’m positive he’s alive, but I don’t know where he is. Things aren’t great, but your man, he cares about you. He cleared all the debts your dad left behind. Dominic is looking at a marriage between me and one of Emiliano’s daughters and me um, becoming capo.”

“Oh my god, that’s amazing. Congratulations, Franco.” I try to focus on the positive. Franco is going to become a capo, an honor every soldier hopes for but doesn’t dare hold their breath thinking they’ll get. He’s the one of the few of my father’s men who never joined in on belittling me when my father was in a temper. I’m glad it’s him.

“Thanks. I’m sorry it’s happening the way it is. Things are a bit of a mess right now. Hopefully, in six months, Ronnie can marry his girl.” His smile is taking over his whole face.
