Page 6 of Substitute Mate

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Giuliano was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. “We should talk.” Mischa followed Giuliano into his library/office. “You would set my eldest daughter aside for my youngest? Do you think she-wolves are interchangeable?”

“Until I entered your house and saw—what is her name? It seems rude to call my fated mate the girl with the pasta.”

“Simone. She would probably do better by eating more fruits and vegetable than pastas and bread, but she will listen to no one.”

Mischa had to suppress the urge to growl. “Simone should eat as she pleases. She has a different body style to GiGi, but it is one I prefer. In any event, all of this is irrelevant. Simone is my fated mate, and I will have her. The only question is whether you would be amenable to a slight alteration to our agreement?”

“Why should I?”

“Why shouldn’t you? Why would it matter to you which of your daughters becomes mistress to the Tangled Vines pack or bears my firstborn son to follow in your footsteps?”

“There are things you don’t understand…”

“I understand all I need to. I will not take GiGi to mate. It is Simone, or the deal my beta worked so hard to negotiate is over.”

“A bold statement for a man not standing in his own vineyard and with only one man as his backup,” said Giuliano, who clearly didn’t understand the seriousness of Mischa’s intent.

“If you want to go to war, Giuliano, threatening me and denying me my fated mate is definitely the way to do it. I would prefer to preserve lives and move forward with a different agreement. Perhaps with an increased bride price.”

“Increased?” asked Giuliano, intrigued.

Mischa nodded. “Simone is my fated mate. I will have her one way or another. I am, however, amenable to offering you additional compensation for your consternation and any distress this change might cause either of your daughters.”

Giuliano sat back in his chair and thought for a moment before he smiled.

Mischa continued, “I’m sure that two reasonable men can reach a satisfactory arrangement.”

“I would agree. I would need to give it some thought. GiGi has never bothered herself with the business of making wine. Simone, on the other hand, has some talent in that area…”

“So, you would not only be losing a daughter, but a member of your vintner staff, for which you should be compensated. Why don’t I get settled in my room? Give it some thought and send the amount to Valentin. I will let him know to expect it and have the funds transferred.”

Giuliano stood and smiled, waving his hands in front of him in a welcoming manner. “I knew you were the man to sire my successor.” He extended his hand to Mischa. “I am glad we are of like mind. I’ll have one of my men show you to your room and will send the information to Valentin.”

Taking Giuliano’s hand in his, he grasped it firmly and shook. The man was a snake. It was obvious he cared little to nothing for either of his daughters. Simone would be better off at Tangled Vines.

* * *

Dinner was served at seven that evening in the alpha’s private dining room—family only. Mischa took a shower and changed into trousers and a white button-down shirt. He tucked it in and added a leather belt and a pair of Italian loafers. He wanted to look good to impress his future mate. Phase I of seducing Simone was underway.

The phrase regarding cutting the tension in a room was never more appropriate than it was when Mischa entered. GiGi seemed to have recovered her wits and her smile resembled the cat described in Lewis Carroll’sAlice’s Adventures in Wonderlandwith its mischievous and self-satisfied grin. Mischa suspected it was because she’d gotten her way. Simone looked like she would jump out of her skin if anyone said ‘boo.’ Giuliano looked very pleased with himself—he should; he’d held Simone up for a small ransom. Giuliano’s mate, Martina, looked far more nervous than Mischa thought applicable to the situation, and was a tall, austere woman.

Dinner was a strange and tense affair. GiGi looked bored out of her mind; Simone only squeaked when spoken to, and the girls’ parents were trying to be overly friendly and gregarious. Mischa found himself just sitting quietly and observing them. He would have found a reason to excuse himself were it not for Simone. She was a curious blend of sweetness and nerves and her vulnerability called to a primitive, protective place deep inside him. The feral instinct to protect his mate set his blood thrumming.

As he observed Simone, she reminded him more of prey than predator, but how could that be? She was dire wolf through and through. She had to be, and yet there was something a little off about her. There was a difference in her scent that he had originally put down to being his fated mate, but now he wasn’t quite sure. Once they were away from here, he would find out all he needed to know.

“We thought we might throw a pre-bonding party here at the vineyard,” said Martina.

Mischa shook his head. “I need to get back to Tangled Vines, and I will take Simone with me. My people are already arranging everything for next week.”

“Perhaps Simone should remain here, and we can all come together,” said Martina.

“No. I want Simone to get comfortable with her new pack and vice versa,” answered Mischa evenly.

“I believe my mate may fear for our daughter’s virtue. We are a very traditional family and hold to the old ways. I will have your word of honor that you will not claim my daughter until after you are formally bonded.”


A glance at his mate told him she was mortified that her father had even broached the subject at the dinner table.
