Page 85 of Fighting Her Wolves

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“Vampires are here,” River says.

“What?” Bartlett asks, shocked.

“You should go. We’ll talk later,” I say hurriedly. I don’t want to overwhelm him with too much truth at one time.

“Alright,” he says slowly.

I practically shove him out the door. He gives Ryker and Serenity a curious look in passing.

“Are we interrupting?” Ryker asks.

“No, that was my brother,” I explain and see Serenity’s surprised look. “Long story.”

“My mate has instructed me to bring her here for a girls’ night and take the men for a drink,” he says dryly.

“You said it was a good idea,” Serenity admonishes.

“It’s a great idea, babe,” he agrees quickly. “Harmony is on her way with Marie and Penny. Ava will be protected.”

“Ava, you good with that?” Kerian asks.

“Sounds like fun,” I say, smiling. A night with my girls is just what I need.

“We aren’t going to do anything crazy.” Serenity rolls her eyes at Kerian.

“What’s the fun in that?” River smirks. The guys change quickly. River still had on his sweatpants with no shirt.

“Gentleman, you’re riding with me.” Ryker kisses Serenity and rubs her belly. It’s so strange seeing a vampire be so loving.

“Later, cupcake,” River says, and he hugs me.

“Call if you need us,” Kerian says and kisses me. I get a pang in my chest as they leave.

Jax pulls up, and Harmony hops out of the car with her arms full. Marie and Penny get out of the back seat, each carrying bags. Jax waves at me and pulls away. The girls storm past me, chatting and dumping loads of food and drinks on the table. They made a plan to invade the house and pulled it off without a hitch.

“When was the girl's night decided?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at their guilty expressions.

“Bash may have let it slip that he saw you and that you were taking some time to make a big decision. I called the girls, convinced Ryker in a way he liked, and came to give advice and get the dirt,” Serenity says, her eyes wide with innocence.

“I wanted to come because I have some experience with dealing with multiple mates,” Harmony pipes up.

“I came for the drinks and snacks. I know nothing about finding shifter mates; I can’t find a human one,” Penny says. She is human and Harmony’s best friend. They were both foster kids. Penny was placed in a good home. Harmony ran away from hers and met Penny when she was living on the streets. Eventually, Penny’s forster parents took her in too. They have been sisters ever since. I haven’t spend much time with her, but I have heard she is blunt and very protective of those she loves.

“I wanted to see how you were. I heard about River’s uncle’s place. It must have been horrible,” Marie says, shaking her head sadly.

“Right.” I glare at everyone except Marie. She had the best intentions.

“Did you have sex with them yet?” Penny asks.

“Is River as dirty as I imagined he was?” Serenity asks.

“Did you sleep with them both at once or separately?” Harmony asks.

I gape at them. “Hold up. I need a drink before we do this.”

They all reach into the bags at once, giggling and yelling for ice and glasses. I shake my head and go to the couch. Marie follows me.

“Are you really alright?” she asks softly.
