Page 51 of Learning to Walk

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Chapter 14


“I’m gonna—” A knock on the door made me frown as I was cut off, but then I realized who it was.


My Bates.

He was definitely mysomethingbecause I’d woken up in his bed after having the best orgasm ever. I’d been lying down and cuddled and Cash had been moaning.

Best orgasm ever, so he was definitely my Bates.

And my Bates had played right into my naughty hands.

“Breakfast is ready.” Bates waited and I knew he was waiting to hear me acknowledge him but that didn’t seem nearly fun enough, so I made him wait. “Gareth?”

I wasn’t the only curious one in our new family-ish, boyfriend-ish partnership thing, so I went back to singing and tried not to laugh.

Finishing up the line, I started in on the next verse as the door cracked open. I kept going and pretended not to hear as he spoke to the crack. “Gareth?”

I did my best not to snicker as he sighed, but it was hard once I wiggled my ass against the curtain. “Naughty boy. I’m trying to give you privacy.”

Who’d said I wanted that?

I kept singing, making him bark out a laugh. “You’ve got Cashel out here blushing again.”

That made me laugh because he had to have seen my butt. “That means I’m doing something right.”

Because Cashel only seemed to blush when we did the best things with Bates.

Our new boyfiend-ish Dom laughed, definitely agreeing with me as he pushed the door open enough to lean against the frame. “I’m not sure he’d agree with that statement.”


Cash groaned.

He loved it.

Even Bates chuckled as I stepped back just enough that I knew he could see my ass around the shower curtain. It wasn’t clear enough to see everything, so I wanted to make sure I tempted him enough to come closer.

I’d never showered with anyone else outside of locker room stuff, and no matter what porn said, no one had ever done anything interesting. But I had the perfect chance, and once I did it with Bates, then I could talk Cash into letting me scrub his back…and his front.

Yep, all he had to do was see that Bates approved and thought it was fine, and he wouldn’t worry.

Bates's sexy groan said he was tempted and he even stepped closer, but then he let out a very Cash-sounding sigh. “I shouldn’t.”

Oh, that sounded terrible.

Turning around, I poked my head out. “Why?”

Bates had definitely looked showerable when I’d hopped in…what had changed?

He was pouting and looking very cute and almost as dramatic as Cash or Brady, but it wasn’t an expression that said we were heading to another orgasm anytime soon. “Brady was worried enough about you that he sent Jude to find you.”

That was definitely terrible.

Pouting was definitely the right answer…and not just because it got Bates to come over and give me a kiss. “You’re too cute like that, stop it.”
