Page 54 of Learning to Walk

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“I’m pretty sure we were cockblocked by your Daddy.” Ignoring how crazy that sentence was since none of the rest had made any sense, I was glad Gareth was nodding beside me like it was perfectly reasonable. “We had breakfast and then suddenly we were heading back up here. I’m pretty sure there was supposed to be a morning aftersomething.”

Yes, we were going to stick to the facts and not get distracted by bugs, Jesus, or spiders.

Gareth’s head was moving so fast, he looked like a bobblehead doll. “I was supposed to have a conversation about my spanking, but Bates said I should probably check in with you first. Since when does it work that way?”

He didn’t seem to be being hyperbolic, which made the whole thing feel even stranger.

Gareth realized this was weird.

Brady shrugged, ignoring how odd we both found the conversation. “Relationships change and I think it’s time I started taking a more active role in taking care of you.”

Turning around, he looked over at Jude who just nodded.


Getting his Daddy’s approval, he smiled at us again and seemed to be doing his best to channel his mother. “There is nothing wrong with being curious and we’re here to help answer any questions you have.”

Since when?

Even Gareth cocked his head. “That’s not how this works either.”

It felt like we’d fallen into some kind of alternate dimension and I wasn’t sure what to do.

The way the pod person who looked like Brady just kept going didn’t make it feel any saner. “Curiosity is natural and nothing to worry about.”


Still an alien.

“Who are you and where is Brady?” Gareth’s words echoed my thoughts, but he seemed to have decided that he didn’t have to keep them internal just to be polite. “This is weird. We had a sleepover with the guy we’re dating. I found someone to talk to about spankings. He likes both of us, so we’re keeping him.”

Glancing over at me, Gareth frowned. “Is that it? I think that’s it unless I can complain about the cockblocking thing too because I didn’t even jerk off in the shower. Bates said not to.”

“Should you really be submitting to someone you don’t call Master or Sir or Daddy?” Brady’s question seemed nuts to me but Gareth took it very seriously.

“Yes, we don’t have to label ourselves to make other people happy.”

When did he get smart about this shit?

“I called him Sir.” Once. Maybe, twice? “Earlier when Jude came to find us.”

Not that we’d been lost.

“See.” Gareth beamed, pleased to have found a way around some of the crazy logic. “Now it’s not a problem.”

Brady’s gaze was bouncing back and forth between us. “Does it count for you if Cash said it?”

“Yes.” Gareth’s confident answer had Brady nodding slowly and Jude rolling his eyes and muttering about us being insane. “We’re dating him together.”

Gareth seemed to think that would explain away a lot…and for some reason it did.

The first few times he’d said it, my stomach clenched like it was expecting an oversized bean burrito to appear any second, but the more times I heard it, the less weird it felt. There was obviously some merit in exposure therapy, but I still wasn’t happy about the cockblocking nonsense.

I’d been trying to figure out a way to make Gareth think we should suck Bates’s cock again, but Jude had shown up before I could work on the details of the plan.

How was I going to get better if I didn’t practice?
