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She seems to notice a change in my gaze, and a soft blush rises in her cheeks.

"Don't look at me like that," she whispers. "Not today."

"Like what?" I ask. I take a step closer, wanting to feel her shape against me again. Needing my arms to envelope her, to keep her safe.

"Like you… want us to bealone togetherin the other room." Her blush deepens. "Now's not the time, Brett. I need to concentrate. You do, too. You're about to overmix that batter."

I find the switch and shut the mixer off for a moment.

"Now," she says gently. "What were you going to tell me?"

I pause, feeling the words bubble in my chest again. Not telling her the truth feels like a terrible betrayal. But the need to protect her overrides the rest of what I'm feeling. I can't tell her about Brittany and Austin's relationship on her big day. I can't tell her about my professional relationship with her brother.

For the first time in weeks, she's excited. She's happy. And I can't yank that rug out from under her. Not yet, anyway.

Not until after the wedding. But when everything is said and done, when she's been paid, and Sophia's college fund is secure again, then I'll admit everything.


Finally, I shrug. "Nothing," I say. "You're right. I'm getting a bit intense about all this. I just want this day to go well for you."

"It already is," she admits, propping herself up on her tiptoes to kiss me. It takes every ounce of strength in my body not to take her in my arms in front of everyone, to show her and anyone with lingering doubts how much I care for her.

Stepping back, she taps the bowl of the mixer. "You're doing great. Just finish this batch of Crescent Moons, and we should be done."

"Okay. Can do, boss."

"Thank you for your help, Brett," she says.

My heart swells again. "Of course." As she turns away to head back to her station, I let one part, one single sentence of the words I've been holding back, finally escape. "Love you."

She pauses, and while I can't see her face, the part of her ear I can see has turned almost crimson from the intensity of her blush.

Turning her chin slightly, she whispers, "You too," and then hurries back to her station.



We get to the wedding venue in record time. And even though I try to shoo Sheila away, she and Paul insist on helping to carry everything inside. While I know she's just using this as an excuse to sneak a peek at the wedding, I appreciate her enthusiasm.

I hand a few boxes to Sophia, and as I move to grab the cake, I bump my elbow against something. It's Brett, leaning in to help me. As my eyes meet his, I remember our conversation from earlier and turn away, trying to hide my furious blush.

He told me helovedme.

My nerves have completely gone. They've even taken my sadness and shame with them. Today, I am nothing but delighted. Today, I am inlove.

I am in love with someone. He is in love with me. Isn't it perfect? Isn't that what weddings are all about?

I direct everyone inside. The reception venue is an enormous seaside banquet hall. It has glamorous, high ceilings with glass windows that overlook the sprawling sea. Tinsley's designers have done a wonderful job decorating it just right.

The room's centerpiece is an enormous painting of her and Ford embracing, all in sunset tones. It hangs over a low stage where the hired band sets up their instruments and lights. Orange, yellow, and white flowers decorate every table, matching the warm orange color of the dishware, and even the wrapping on the mountain of gifts against the wall matches the wedding colors.

The wedding planners give us a table by the long window, set up specifically for the Sugar Breeze. Through the window behind it, I can see what seems like miles and miles of sandy beaches and aqua waves, and down near the shoreline behind the venue, a row of white chairs and a glass archway in beautiful shades of gleaming orange.

With everyone's help, it only takes us a few minutes to lay out as many pastries as possible and put the rest in the designated fridge in the back. The cake sits in the middle, its sun-shaped topper almost glowing with the window behind it. In rows, we set up the little quiches, the trays of mini Tres leches and zucchini cakes, the gluten-free and vegan cupcakes, and right in front, the revamped Crescent Moons, now shaped like sweet yellow stars.

It's gorgeous. For a last hurrah for my mother's bakery—formybakery—it's a hell of a good one.
