Page 53 of King of Clubs

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“You asshole!” I shouted, but it came out more like, “Oooaaaoohhh!”

He grasped my jaw in his hands and looked down his nose at me. I knew by the look in his eyes that whatever had made him hold me close last night was gone.

“I told you not to waste my time, pet...”

Then he dragged me by my leash down to the Rabbit Hole, handing me off to the Tweedles the second the appeared.

I didn’t know what his problem was, but I was glad to be rid of him.

The casino was alive with the cacophony of hedonistic pleasure. The air buzzed with the heated moans and soft sighs of the club guests, mingling with the sultry music that played from a hidden source.

Chains clinked as they hoisted bodies into midair, then were fastened and tightened into place. Their metallic chimes harmonized with the sharp slaps and smacks of impact play that echoed throughout the dimly lit room. The scent of leather and clean sweat and filthy sex permeated the atmosphere, equally intoxicating and overwhelming.

Even though it was also a casino, there wasn’t much gambling going on. Games at the tables had either finished early or been put on hold, most likely because everyone wanted to bet on the Bunny Bondage Games instead. The giant wrestling ring was gone, replaced by a simple black platform. Tonight’s crowd was even bigger than the one from last night’s pillow fight.

"Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the second night of the Bunny Bondage Games," Ransom announced from the platform, his voice dripping with cool authority. The club guests roared with anticipation, their excitement palpable. "Tonight's game is a new one, yet it’s one you all know and love—musical chairs!”

A dubious look took over my face.

Sure, it sounded innocent enough, but Ransom was a freak. I knew better than to take anything in his club at face value.

"However," he continued, his grin widening, "there's a twist. Each chair has been...modified, for your entertainment and for our competitors' as well.”

I swallowed nervously, my heart pounding in anticipation. What could he possibly have in store for us this time?

As he spoke, the house lights went out and a pink spotlight slowly illuminated the platform that held nothing but a huge circle of black chairs. Two referees were walking around to each and every chair with what looked like a small pail and a basting brush.

I squinted my eyes in the dark room, taking a few steps to get a better look at what they were basting. My cheeks flushed with humiliation as gasps echoed throughout the room. The thought of being forced to participate in such a degrading act made my stomach churn.

I wasn’t surprised.

I was fuckingdumbstruck.

Every chair was outfitted with a different dildo protruding from the seat.

Some were small and non-threatening. Some were lean and long, while others were short and thick. A number of them were slick and smooth, although there were a few that looked knobby and rough. There wasn’t a big enough basting brush or a pail of lube to makethatone feel good.

The longer I looked, the more I noticed that a disturbing percentage of them were clearlynotmodeled on human male anatomy.

A shudder of fascination and revulsion ran through me as I studied the various tentacles and knots. Then a pearly blue one with shiny, wet scales caught my eye.

Was it supposed to be a merman schlong?

"Allow me to explain the rules," Ransom said, relishing the number of bets that were already being placed. “Music will play. When the music stops, our lovely bunnies must claim a chair and sit down. Yes,allthe way down...”

He let the words hang in the air, sending my stomach into knots while the crowd whistled and cheered.

I knew a little about BDSM. Couldn’t Ransom have chosen a spanking competition, or rope-tying, or something like that? Why did he have to choose dildo musical chairs when I still ached from him fucking me?

It was almost like hewantedme to fail.

I’d show him.

“As a safety precaution to my bunnies, the modifications will be replaced between every round,” he went on. “Failure for a bunny to completely sit in a chair when the music stops will result in disqualification. Alright, my pets, are you ready to play?”

His loyal squad of sex bunnies swarmed onto the stage, eyeing up the different dildos, trying to find the ones they’d rather sit down on. The Tweedles unlocked my wrist restraints, but I hesitated to move, dread settling in my gut like a stone. What choice did I have?

I was going for the merman schlong.
