Page 54 of King of Clubs

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The glare of the spotlights blinded me as I stepped onto the stage, the thudding bass of the music vibrating in my chest. I glanced around, spotting the familiar faces of my competition: Dickface sneered at me with contempt, while Trippy's eyes flashed with malice.

Caramel, however, gave me an encouraging smile and whispered, "Good luck" as she took her place in line not far from me.

“Ready?” Ransom shouted to the audience, his eyes never connecting with mine. "Let the games begin!”

The music started, a surreal, haunting tune that seemed to mock my predicament. I moved cautiously around the circle of chairs, eyeing the other contestants warily. We were all trapped in this perverse competition, but I couldn't afford to let my guard down.

My body moved in time with the rhythm, anticipation tightening in my chest as I waited for the signal to dive for a chair. Each brief pause in the music was a cruel taunt, sending us darting towards the dildos, only to be denied when the melody resumed. With every near-miss, I clenched my teeth and steeled myself for the next round.

“Hey, new girl,” Caramel whispered, her eyes filled with concern as we circled the chairs. “Watch your back. A lot of the others want nothing more than to see you fail. I think they’re planning something to take you out.”

"Thanks," I replied, trying to keep my tone light despite the weight of her words. "I'll be careful."

The music stopped abruptly, and I lunged for the nearest chair, my heart racing as I shoved a smaller girl out of the way. The slippery dildo loomed below me, and as I lowered myself onto it, I winced at the discomfort. I tried to focus on the memory of Ransom's touch from the previous night, letting the lingering pleasure soothe the pain as it stretched my tender insides. Even dripping with lube, it took some effort.

One female bunny was immediately disqualified for not finding a chair. At least four more bunnies were eliminated for not touching their ass cheeks to the chair seat. One guy was having such a hard time with the bumpy knobby cock that he finally shook his head and gave up.

The crowd roared with laughter at the spectacle.

As the second round played out, I tried to focus on the beat of the music, but my thoughts were consumed by the mounting pressure of the competition. I couldn't help but feel exposed and vulnerable, knowing that every move I made was under scrutiny. Trippy and Dickface both seemed to revel in my discomfort, their smirks only fueling my determination to prove them wrong.

Round after round, we repeated the process, each time removing one less chair than the number of remaining bunnies. With every cock I impaled myself with, my body ached, my vaginal walls protesting as I continued to push through the discomfort. But I refused to give in. I wasn't going to let Ransom or his twisted games break me.

My heart raced as the music played, knowing that one misstep could mean the end of my participation. And yet, despite my determination, I couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope that maybe, justmaybe, I could win this fucked up event. I just had to work smarter, not harder.

As the next round of musical chairs began, I knew I needed a new strategy. My soreness from last night's trip to Poundtown was only making things worse. With each step I took, I could feel the burn and ache between my legs.

The thing about pain is that it’ssooofucking close to pleasure.

It was time to give things a little push in the other direction.

Closing my eyes, I tried to block out the sounds of the casino and the jeers from the spectators. Instead, I replayed the memory of Ransom's hands on my body, his lips against my clit, and the way I’d make him completely lose control.

I thought about the sound me made when he came inside me, the heat I felt when he came inside me, riding me like the stubborn mule he said I was. The sound of his pleasure made me want to do that to him over and over.

I’d make him fuckingbegfor my pussy.

Then I thought of the way he’d kissed me.

I’d kissed plenty of guys, but none of them treated it like an act of worship. Tasting Ransom’s tongue in my mouth was like experiencing the divine.

Maybe he was so pissy this morning because I’d pushed him to that point of no return? Or maybe the sex freak devil daddy actuallylikedkissing and cuddling? Maybe he was afraid I’d tell the other bunnies that inside his cool, polished exterior, was a scorching hot teddy bear with a giant cinnamon roll for a heart.

I felt a familiar warmth spreading through my core, and my breath quickened. If I could just hold onto this moment, I could handle any size or shape dildo thrown at me.

The music stopped, and I scrambled for the nearest chair. As I lowered myself onto the cock, I braced for the discomfort, but instead I found it much more bearable. It wasn't perfect, but it was better than nothing.

Round after round, I pushed through the aches and the lube and the humiliation, using my new strategy to make it more tolerable. I could feel my body adapting, learning to embrace the discomfort. But as the number of chairs dwindled, I knew my luck couldn't last forever.

“We’re down to the last few chairs. Who will claim it?” Ransom announced, his voice a mixture of anticipation and amusement. The merman cock was back, shiny and wet, and this time bright green.

I wanted it.

I’d been waiting since round one.

When the music stopped, I lunged for the chair, but my body betrayed me—my legs were too weak, my timing too far off. I stumbled, grabbing the back of the chair, only for Dickface to shove me out of the way. I went flying onto the floor and watched as he skewered his ass down on the merman cock with a triumphant smirk.

That’s when I noticed Ransom watching me. He shook his head in disappointment, then turned his attention back to the gamblers surrounding him. I watched him hand out one stack after another of gold chips. Not only had I lost this stupid game of musical chairs, but I’d made Ransom lose a lot of money.

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