Page 97 of Desire

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“You’re thinking too hard, Baby Girl. If you don’t get your cute ass in that shower, I’m going to be forced to get in there with you,” Andrya yells.

Squeaking in surprise, I quickly strip, turning on the water and getting in. I forgot my toiletries with her and groan.

Chuckling, I can hear Andrya step into the stall.

“I’m almost inclined to think that you’re nervous to be around me,” she says, reaching inside of the curtain to give me my shower caddy.

“Thank you,” I tell Andrya, my voice low and husky as I take it from her.

“Anytime,” she purrs, making me shiver.

Nope, I’m definitely attracted to her. I don’t think she needs to worry about that at all.

Quickly washing my hair and body, I have to say that I feel a bit better. My cramps are still awful, but it’s nice to be clean. My period is here in full force, which explains the cramping. Andrya isn’t anywhere that I can see when I get out, and I dry off and change.

Walking into the main room, I brush my teeth, because feeling sick makes my mouth feel gross.

“Your hair is going to be a wreck if you don’t dry it,” Andrya murmurs, handing me a blow dryer.

“Thank you,” I say gratefully. “I’ll resemble a chia pet if I don’t take care of this.”

Smirking at the thought I provoke, she patiently waits for me to dry my hair.

“Feel a little better?” she asks, and I rock my hand from side to side.

“A bit, but my uterus is going to torture me for a while I think,” I explain.

“And your periods aren’t usually this bad?” Andrya asks worriedly and I shake my head.

“Not like this, no. I have the normal amount of pain, but I can still manage to do things. These cramps combined with the headache, took me down hard,” I explain. “I don’t understand why it’s so much worse.”

“Sometimes the birth control most of us at FRC are on can fuck with our hormones, causing some of your symptoms,” Andrya explains as we start walking to my room. “It doesn’t happen very often, but Patricia will probably want to take some blood samples to run tests.”

“Yeah, that’s fine,” I tell her, breathing slowly as I rub my stomach. “Ugh, these suck so fucking much. I hope this shit calms down soon. So what happens if this is caused by the birth control?”

A look of panic crosses her face before she looks away. “Patricia will need to talk about your options,” Andrya whispers.

A thread of ice wraps around me, and I take my things from her as we arrive at my door. “I think I have it from here. Thank you for your help. Please don’t come back if you can’t be absolutely honest with me, because your answer was rancid bullshit.”

Closing the door in her face, I whimper as the pain strengthens.

“Wait, Silla,” Andrya gasps, banging on the door.

Ignoring her, I put my things away, closing my eyes against the pain. I’m tired of people keeping things from me.

Climbing into bed as I kick off my shoes, I forgo putting my one pillow under my head, in favor of placing it between my legs. Unfortunately the damn thing is too flat.

Gritting my teeth, I flop onto my back. I can hear people talking outside of my door, and I cover my face. I just want to be left alone, even though peace seems to be alluding me.

“Kitten, I’m coming in,” Sidney says, opening the door.

“Please,” I whimper, my breath coming faster.

“Pet, don’t get tied up in knots over this. You haven’t eaten all day, okay? Andrya didn’t know how to answer your question and panicked. I’ll help explain. Now what’s the matter, other than the pain you’re in?” Sidney calmly asks, putting a tray on the table next to me.

“I can’t get comfortable, and my pillow is shit. I’ll survive,” I snark, too out of sorts to be nice.

“Andrya, be a dear and bring us some pillows, would you?” Sidney asks, barely raising his voice.
