Page 53 of Let Her Hide

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Marcus's house looked like any other on the tree-lined suburban street, but Fiona knew that behind its unassuming façade could lie the key to unlocking her sister's fate. The doorbell chimed as Jake pressed it, the sound echoing through the quiet afternoon air.

The door creaked open, revealing a man in his early thirties with unkempt hair and a wary expression on his face. "Can I help you?" he asked, his eyes darting between Fiona and Jake.

"Marcus?" Jake began, his voice authoritative yet calm. He flashed his FBI badge, and Marcus's brows shot up.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"We're looking for information on someone you used to work with – Marissa Johnson."

"Marissa? From high school?" Marcus looked puzzled, scratching his head as if trying to jog his memory. "That was a long time ago. What do you want to know about her?"

"Did you ever see her with anyone suspicious?" Jake prodded. "A strange man or a boyfriend?"

Fiona watched closely as Marcus's face shifted from confusion to recognition. She could almost see the gears turning in his mind as he tried to recall those distant days. Would he remember anything useful? Or would this visit end up being another dead end in their search for Joslyn's kidnapper?

"Marissa..." Marcus hesitated, his brow furrowing, eyes darting nervously around the room. "I mean, yeah, we worked together at that fast food joint, but it's all kind of a blur now."

"Take your time," Fiona said softly, her heart pounding in anticipation. She couldn't help but feel that they were on the precipice of something crucial. The air seemed heavy with tension, and she found it hard to breathe.

"Okay, okay," Marcus sighed, rubbing his temples. "There was this one time I saw Marissa talking to some guy out back. They looked... tense. Like they were arguing."

"Can you recall anything about him?" Jake pressed, his tone urgent. "Any distinguishing features? A name?"

Fiona felt her stomach churn, the knot inside her tightening as she awaited Marcus's response.

"Damien," Marcus finally whispered, his eyes widening as if he'd uncovered a long-buried secret. "She called him Damien."

The name hit Fiona like a freight train, leaving her breathless and reeling. Damien – could this be the man responsible for Joslyn's disappearance and the deaths of countless other girls? The possibility was chilling, but if it was true, then they were closer than ever before to unraveling the mystery that had haunted them for years.

Fiona clenched her fists, resolve burning through her.


Whoever he was, she was going to find him.
