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“I like it.” Lucia takes Callie’s hand and squeezes. “How long are you staying for?”

“Just until tomorrow evening. I had planned to come and find you tomorrow. I thought my friends would appreciate a tour of the farm whilst I spoke to you.”

At the mention of her friends, Lucia finally seems to realise there are other people in the room. She looks at Chris, who has had to turn his back because he can’t control himself and then to me. Her eyes squint at me a little. If I didn’t know any better, I would think she is trying to be intimidating. Lucia sees me as a threat to Callie’s/Monica’s celibacy. I step forward with my hand held out.

“I’m Norma, Monica’s aide. I am travelling with her to make sure she stays on the path of righteousness.” Callie’s eyes go wide and her nose flares. She does that when she’s trying not to laugh. Hell if she gets to be someone else, why can’t I? Lucia nods along like this is the most normal thing in the world. “Dick is my brother.” I point to Chris. He’s now got himself under control and shoots me daggers because he now has to go along with the name Dick. I grin at him when Lucia isn’t looking.

“Well, thank you for apologising, Monica. I’m proud of you. I would love for you to come along on a tour tomorrow. We can have lunch first.”

“That’s so kind, Lucia, thank you. Are we okay to stay here for the night?” Callie is back on full charm offensive.

“Of course. I will see you in the morning.”

We manage to wait a full minute after Lucia left before bursting into laughter.

“What the hell was that?” Chris blurts. He’s clutching his stomach with laughter.

“That was you witnessing ‘The Chameleon’ in action,” I state. “I have to hand it to you, Cal, that was impressive.”

Callie’s laughter dies down. “I don’t enjoy it, you know, fooling people. I never did.” Her eyes are so sad my heart aches.

“I know.” Jesus, she thinks I’m judging her again. Am I? “I know you Callie, I know who you are.”

“Do you? It’s been a long time, Daisy. I wonder if you believe I’m like her.” I know who she’s referring to. Callie is worried that I think she’s turned out to be like Betty. I see Chris out of the corner of my eye. He looks concerned. Mine and Callie’s conversation has been completely in sign. He doesn’t know what’s happening but I’m sure he knows something is wrong by the look on our faces.

“You could never be like her, Cal. You are still the Callie I… My best friend.” Well done, Daisy, you nearly bloody told her. Callie searches my face, then turns to Chris.

“Let’s sleep. We need to be focused on tomorrow.” She leaves and heads to the bedroom. I smile at Chris and follow her. We lay on the bed fully clothed. It’s a warm night, the sun hasn’t fully set and here we are trying to get to sleep. My body has never felt more awake if I’m truthful. Callie’s hurt face is swimming in my mind. I hate that I was the one to make her feel that way.

“Callie?” Her back is turned, so I pull at her shoulder. She rolls over and my breath catches. My beautiful Callie has tears streaming down her face. I pull her into me and hold her. “Oh, please don’t cry, I’m sorry.” She sniffs and wipes her face.

“It’s been so hard, Daisy. I never wanted to live like this. I never wanted to hurt anyone, and I hate lying.”

“I know sweetie, I know. I’m sorry if you thought I was judging you. Callie, you are the bravest, sweetest person I have ever known.” She pulls me even closer and I tighten my grip around her. Callie needs this. She needs to feel the warmth of another person, someone she can be herself with, someone who won’t leave. “I’m here now, Cal, I’m not leaving you again.”

The truth in my words hit me hard. I will never leave this woman again. Even if I can only have her as a friend, that will be enough. Callie deserves to feel loved and safe, and I will be that for her. I loosen my grip and she pulls away slightly. I look down at her. In our current positions I am lying slightly on top of her and, boy, does my clit know it.

“Daisy…” I lose my marbles completely and kiss her. Yep, that’s right. After all my bloody gabbing about keeping my feelings to myself I kiss her because the way she was looking at me was too much.

Fireworks erupt on my lips the moment they clash with hers. My body surges forward and now I’m fully on top of her. My leg has slipped in between hers. I’m gone. There is no coming back for me now. I have tasted her, I have felt her velvety lips, and it’s game over for me. I fully expect her to push me away at any minute, maybe start shouting at me but… no, she’s kissing me back? Hell, she’s pushing her tongue against my lips seeking entrance. Come on in, Callie, and welcome to the inside of my mouth. Enjoy.

My hands rake through her hair. That gorgeous mane. It’s exhilarating, and I scrape my fingers gently across her scalp. I feel the vibration of the moan she just made. She likes it, so I do it again. Her hands grab my arse and squeeze. If neither of us stops this, soon, we will be getting naked.

Neither of us stops it. Her hands have made it to the front of my shorts. She’s fiddling with the button and zip. My hands are now heading south for her magnificent breasts. The pressure in my pants is starting to get uncomfortable. I need to climax and soon.

I pull my head away and look into her eyes. I have to be certain she wants this. The lust radiating from her is palpable. I don’t need any other confirmation than that. I sit up and pull off my top. She does the same. Our bras are next to go and I’m stunned at her naked chest. She has tiny freckles dotted across her breasts. Her nipples are dark pink and small, just as I imagined them. She is perfection.

My mouth instinctively seeks out her rosy buds. Taking her nipple in my mouth is pure joy. I suck and nibble. Her heart rate has picked up, and she’s squirming beneath me. Our hips have started to rock. The friction isn’t enough to get me off, but it’s doing a great job of building me up. I’m suddenly flipped on to my back. Callie is taking charge.

Her lips and teeth nip and bite my neck. Her hands roam my body, caressing, and stroking every bit of skin she can find. I groan when she pinches my nipple. Her mouth is back on mine. Our tongues swirl and fight. This is the hottest thing I have ever experienced, and then it ends. I feel her hesitation before she pulls back. Blue eyes penetrate me, but the lust I saw before is gone. Her breaths are ragged, just like mine. I want to say something, but what?

As quickly as it started, it is over. Callie rolls off of me and grabs her bra and top. She redresses, not once looking at me. My stomach is churning. I could vomit. It’s clear to me now I was foolish to kiss her. She doesn’t want it, she just got caught up in the moment. Then a surge of embarrassment hits me. What if my moaning turned her off? I know I don’t sound like “regular” women. This is probably the first time Callie has been with a deaf woman in that way.

Callie turns to me as she reaches the bedroom door. I’m still laid out with my tits on show, wondering what the hell just happened. She signs “I’m sorry” before leaving the room.

* * *

I slept like crap! Callie didn’t return to the room. I presume she slept in the car because there wasn’t anywhere else she could have gone. Well, she could have sought out Lucia. Maybe a good shag with someone who doesn’t sound weird in bed is what she needed? I’m angry and hurt.
