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I shake my head to dispel my mind of those memories. Callie stills my head and looks at me with concern. She hasn’t broken our contact to sign, and she hasn’t let a word pass her lips. She’s using her hands to touch me, to ask me if I’m okay. I lower my head and kiss her deeply.

My thigh slips between hers and I begin to move. This feels like the most natural thing in the world. Her body fits mine, her touches are everything I want without having to ask. Even though I had an orgasm minutes previously, I can already feel myself building. From the way Callie is grabbing my arse, I think she is close too. We grind harder and kiss deeper until I feel her body begin to shudder. Feeling her orgasm tips me over the edge and I come in a wave of ecstasy.

Hours could have passed for all I know. Time is irrelevant when you are in a post-orgasm haze. I have collapsed on her and she is holding me. I rise every time she breathes and I adore it. Hopefully, I’m not too heavy. Her hand strokes my back lazily. Did she enjoy it as much as me? I lift my head and look down at her. Her head lifts and her lips capture mine once again.

With ease, she rolls me onto my back. Her lips slip to my neck and she nibbles at my pulse point. I can feel her nipples brush against me as she descends. I don’t have the heart to stop her, but I don’t think I can go again. Honestly, she’s lucky she got two orgasms out of me. It’s a first.

Callie is a confident lover, she takes command and doesn’t falter in her quest to reach her goal. My pussy. That’s her goal now. She slides her tongue into me and I almost buck her off the bed. I am ridiculously sensitive, but not in a sore way. My clit is gearing up for another round, to my astonishment.

Slow, long licks get me to the point where I’m ready to beg. In one fell swoop, she sucks on my clit and clamps my nipples with her hands. I’m gone. What I’m experiencing is nothing short of heavenly. My body spasms and lights zip across my eyes. This orgasm is going on forever and Callie is coaxing me through it with soft licks and gentle squeezes. It’s possible I passed out.

Three orgasms is a record for me in one night, but I shouldn’t be surprised that it was Callie who was able to get me there. Her kisses tell me she’s making her way back up to me. I want to reciprocate but my body is jelly. Finally, I see her beautiful face over mine. Her pupils are wide and she looks ravenous still. Christ on a cracker, she has one hell of a sexual appetite.

Foolishly, I think we are done. I’m wrong. I squeal as she flips me over to my stomach. Her weight shifts and for a moment she gets off the bed. I haven’t got the energy to look at what she’s doing. My eyes close and I’m drifting to sleep but when my hips are lifted into the air, I become fully conscious. My energy levels spike and I look over my shoulder. Callie is on her knees behind me with her toy strapped into a harness.

Our eyes meet. She’s silently asking me if I want this. My answer is to back my ass into her.

Chapter 15


If I die tomorrow, I will go to the next life a happy woman. Daisy is on all fours in front of me, waiting for me to fuck her. So much for not sleeping together. I grip her hips, steadying myself. I’m so turned on I can barely see straight.

I slide inside her and she jolts forwards. The toy isn’t too big, so I doubt she has a problem accepting it. I see her hands ball into fists and her head drops. I massage her lower back as I gently move. There is no resistance, she’s so wet I can glide in and out easily.

The wonderful thing about Daisy the Dildo—I cannot believe I had to admit to Daisy she has a sex toy named after her—is that it has a pocket for a bullet vibrator at the base. Whilst Daisy—the human—was recovering, I slipped it in when I donned the harness. Let’s party! With the flick of a finger, I get the little bastard buzzing. A few quick breaths and I managed to stop myself from coming prematurely. The bullet is effective.

The moan that radiates out of Daisy is fantastic. I pick up my pace. The little vibe is making me tremble, but I will not come, not until I hear Daisy cry out. Her hand is now slamming against the headboard.

I am struggling to keep my concentration. Every vibration is like a bolt of electricity to my clit and I can’t stop from crying out. I look down at the toy entering her and I can’t believe I get to see this. I slam into her a little aggressively, but she only moans louder. Her ass is pounding back into me, she wants it fast and hard. When I hear Daisy scream, I explode. My hips are thrusting manically, and I know a second orgasm is about to wipe me out.

My body curls over Daisy when I’ve ridden out the second climax. I can hardly breathe. Daisy collapses onto the mattress and I follow. I’m still inside her. Quickly, I stop the bullet before it fucking kills me. When I can breathe like a regular person and not an emphysemic pensioner, I slowly remove the toy from her and take off the harness. Daisy rolls over and I take her in my arms.

There is only silence. I think we both need a bit of time to come to terms with what has just happened. It’s a monumental occasion, well, at least for me. Our friendship is changed irreparably. Even if we decide not to start a relationship, we can never go back to being friends.

Now I have had her, I can say with all certainty that I want a relationship. The problem is, I don’t know if it’s possible. Let’s be realistic. Collecting the pieces of the black book is one thing. But once that’s done, once we have all the pieces, what then? Surely it can’t be as easy as handing it over to the police. I don’t believe for one second Queen B will go down without a fight, or at least exacting some revenge.

My chest tightens at the thought of Betty, my own flesh, and blood, harming Daisy or Chris. I need to keep them safe. Betty going to prison doesn’t guarantee that. It will take months to disband her organisation. I’ve looked at some of the names in that book and I know they won’t go quietly either.

Sometimes I think I should just wait it out. Betty isn’t getting any younger. She can’t outrun time. If she hasn’t got an heir, who will take over once she’s gone? Would it be easier for everyone if I just stay hidden for a little while longer? Daisy could go back to her life. I could send her back with the book. Maybe Betty will leave me alone if she has that. I internally roll my eyes, like that would ever happen!

Daisy rests her hand on my chest. In all my reverie, I haven’t noticed that my breathing has become somewhat rapid and not in the “just had lots of sex” kind of way. I can feel the blood rushing in my ears.

How could I have been so reckless? I’ve invited danger into Daisy’s life because I was lonely. I should have kept running. I should ditch her and Chris and go far away. I have everything I need stashed away. It wouldn’t take much for me to slip away. Daisy would be hurt, but surely she would understand. But what about her brother? Fuck my life, I’m going round in circles. I’ve already gone through this thought cycle and I got nowhere. No matter what I do, I feel trapped.

“Stop.” Daisy’s face is directly over me. Her hand remains on my chest, the other is cupping my face. It’s the first break in silence since we came together. Her eyes are sparkling, which makes me breathe easier. “Stop thinking, just for a little while.” I nod because what else can I do?

She lays her head over my heart and I feel her sigh. It’s just dawning on me that Daisy has probably felt the same way as me for just as long, and I’m ruining our moment by panicking. The shutting of the main door makes me jolt. Daisy must have felt it close because she sits up like her arse is on fire. I laugh because it’s ridiculous. We’re acting as if we’re going to get caught doing something naughty.

I laugh again because if the door had banged shut ten minutes ago, they would definitely have caught us doing something very naughty.Not the time, Callie. Daisy scoots off the bed and starts redressing. I take a second to watch her because, damn! Daisy at eighteen was hot, Daisy at twenty-eight is mind-blowingly sexy. I want to throw her back on the bed and have my wicked way with her all night. Too bad that won’t happen.

The bedroom door rattles as someone knocks. I huff out an exasperated breath. “Hang on.” I scramble off the bed and stick on some shorts and a vest top. Daisy looks at me and smiles. We haven’t even had a chance to discuss what’s going between us now.

“Meryl said we’re leaving now. Said she’s put the kettle on.” Chris calls through the door. I tell Daisy what he said and we head to the living room area. Meryl and Derek are still outside tidying up. Chris greets me with a shit-eating grin. “Have fun, did you?” I want to smack him upside the head. Little shit.

“Shut up.” That’s my fantastic comeback. I can feel my face go red. Shit, did they all hear us?

“Ready to go?” Derek calls. We all nod and settle down on the sofa. I should probably take another shower, but it will have to wait.

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