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He made my heart race for a different reason this time, and I pressed my hand to my chest. “You scared me.”

“Sorry, sweetheart. The last thing I’d ever want to do is scare you.” He tapped on the screen of the tablet he was holding, his expression turning serious as he read over whatever information he’d looked up. “How’d you get a concussion?”

Before I could answer, Vincent appeared on my other side. “She was mugged on her way to her car. Since she hit her head, we brought her in from the college campus on our truck.”

One dark brow arched as Dr. Dabney—if the name stitched on his lab coat was correct—shifted his attention to Vincent. “Was there something you needed me to sign before you leave?”

Vincent shook his head. “No, we just finished our paperwork.”

Dr. Dabney continued to stare him down, tension crackling in the air between the two men. “Then what’re you still doing here? Don’t you have a job to do elsewhere? Emergency calls to answer? Lives to save?”

Vincent leaned his hip against my hospital bed and crossed his arms against his chest. He didn’t look as though he was going anywhere soon. “I’m waiting to hear back from my boss. I’ve requested someone to cover the rest of my shift so I can stay here with Willa.”

“Willa,” Dr. Dabney echoed softly, his gaze bouncing between us as a muscle jumped in his hardened jaw. “Are you a relative of hers?”

“She’s a friend.”

I cringed at Vincent’s claim, which Dr. Dabney didn’t miss. “Is that true, Willa? Are the two of you friends?”

I avoided Vincent’s gaze as I answered, “Well…uh…Vincent is my neighbor.”

Some of the tension left his body, but that was the only hint he was pleased with my explanation. “Being neighbors isn’t the same as being friends, is it, Vincent?”


Dr. Dabney didn’t give him the chance to make up an excuse. Instead, he focused on me as he asked, “Do you want him to stay and keep you company until you’re discharged?”

I wasn’t happy that he’d put me on the spot like this, but I wasn’t going to lie. Especially to the only guy I’d ever felt this kind of chemistry with just to spare Vincent’s feelings. I didn’t owe my neighbor that much…or anything really. “Not really. It seems silly to make someone pick up an extra shift when I’ll probably just close my eyes and rest a little. ”

Vincent reached for my hand, and a low growl rumbled up the sexy doctor’s chest. My neighbor shot him a hate-filled glare as he asked, “Are you sure you’ll be okay? It really isn’t a big deal for me to stay.”

“I’m fine,” I insisted as a stab of pain shot through my forehead. I let out a little whimper, squeezing my eyes shut and pressing my hand over my eyes.

“You heard the patient. Please step out so we can close the curtain and limit Willa’s stimulation.”

I heard the shuffle of feet and the glide of the curtain before Dr. Dabney assured, “Don’t worry, Willa. You’re in excellent hands now. Nobody will hurt you again.”

I could’ve sworn I felt the barest glide of his lips against the top of my head before he left the exam cubicle, but I had to have been imagining things. No way would a doctor kiss a patient like that, especially one he’d just met.



As a neurologist, I didn’t usually work shifts in the ER, but when you were on call, and they needed a doctor, you hauled ass to wherever you’d been requested. Which was why I had to leave my “brother” and his wife while they were having their baby. Not that I was their obstetrician or anything, but I was the doctor for the Silver Saints MC—both Bear and I were citizens—so I’d patched up Bear plenty of times. Hence my road name…Patch. Not to be confused with Doc, who was a “fixer,” and not in the medical sense.

I’d even treated his wife, Alyssa, from time to time, so I could understand why having me around would make him feel like she was in good hands. Besides, Bear had been a total wreck, which was funny as hell, and I would never let him forget it.

I told them I’d be back and headed to the ER. It turned out, they’d paged me because a patient had come in who’d lost their memory. I was on my way to bay three to examine him when every thought in my head scattered. The most perfect woman I’d ever seen was being wheeled in on a stretcher.

She had light-brown hair tied up in a knot-thing on her head, but soft-looking strands floated around her heart-shaped face. Her body was small and dainty—from my observation, over a foot shorter than my six-foot-two frame—making me want to curl myself around her and shield her from the world. She had a button nose and a wide mouth with round lips that reminded me of Julia Roberts.

My girl’s eyes suddenly met mine, and the hazel color was so fluid it seemed like they were constantly changing back and forth from blue to green. Our gazes were locked, and heat exploded between us. Even from across the room, the electricity crackled and sent bolts of lust straight to my cock. If I hadn’t been so utterly obsessed with the woman, I would have taken a moment to be shocked that my dick had even twitched. It hadn’t reacted to anyone in years. But my cock roared to life the second I saw her.

As she was wheeled into a bay, my heart stopped as I remembered she was a patient. The thought of her being injured or in any pain at all drove me batshit crazy. I almost ran over and demanded to know what was wrong and everything else about her.

The only thing I knew about her right at that moment was that she was mine.

But before I could take a step in her direction, a nurse shoved a tablet in my hands and began telling me about the patient I’d been called to examine. Since my woman had only just arrived, it would be a while before she was discharged, so I focused on my patient.
