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His expression was so soft as he crouched down to get eye level with the girls that my heart was barely able to stand the sweetness. “Your root beer radar must’ve gone off. I was just talking about them.”

“Can we take ’em to go?” one of them asked.

The other nodded. “Yeah, Mom’s waiting in the car. She just wanted us to run inside to ask you a question.”

“Sure thing,” he agreed with a grin before standing and walking around the bar to grab three bottles out of the fridge. He popped the cap off one and slid it toward me, and then he went back around to the girls and popped theirs off before handing them each a bottle. “The question must be a doozy if she dropped by instead of calling.”

The girl who’d asked about taking the root beers with them shook her head and said, “She just wanted to know if you’d come over for dinner tomorrow.”

He cocked his head to the side. “What’re you havin’?”

“Pot roast.”

Dash crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. “If that’s what your mom is in the mood to eat, she probably sent you two in here to see if I’d come over and cook because she knows how hard it is to say no to you.”

“Maybe.” The ringleader of the duo pasted an innocent expression on her face as she blinked up at Dash while her sister stifled a giggle and ducked her head. “But only ’cause yours is the best.”

Hold up.

The super-hot, scary biker who kept calling me beautiful and clearly loved his adorable twin nieces also knew how to cook? There went my ovaries…and any hope I had of keeping my panties on around him.



Annie batted her eyes at me—a proven tactic against me—and Ally continued to giggle.

I scratched my chin and pretended to think it over, holding back a laugh when both girls clasped their hands together and, in their sweet voices, said, “Pleeeeeeeease?”

Only someone completely heartless could say no to that. “Okay,” I sighed, pretending to be put out.

“Yay!” Both girls threw themselves into my arms, almost knocking all three of us to the ground.

“Will you make cookies, too?” Ally begged before giving me a smacking kiss on my cheek.

“Well, since you paid the fee…but Annabear still owes me.” The girls giggled, and Annie smacked a kiss on my other cheek. “Cookies it is.”

They cheered, then Annie went running to the front door. However, Ally stayed in front of me, twirling one of her long blond curls and frowning. “What’s wrong, Ally-cat?”

“We have school pictures next week.” I knew what was coming, and I prepared myself for Brynn to laugh her ass off, just like my brothers did when they found out. “Mommy doesn’t braid my hair right. Will you come over and do it before school, please?”

I heard a small gasp from Brynn and glanced up to see her reaction. Her amber eyes were soft as she looked back and forth between my niece and me. She looked a little like she might melt into a puddle, and when she realized I was watching her, pink bloomed on her cheeks. I grinned and winked, causing her blush to deepen.

“Who’s she?” Ally asked, blinking up at Brynn innocently.

That wasn’t a question I could answer for her at the moment. Informing my niece that Brynn was the woman I was going to fuck, knock up, and marry wouldn’t go over well with her mom. I didn’t think Brynn was quite ready to hear it either.

I turned back to Ally and tugged one of her loose curls. “You’ll see her again at dinner and can get to know her then.”

“She’s pretty,” Ally whispered loud enough for the entire room to hear.

“She sure is,” I agreed. “As pretty as you. Now, get movin’, Ally-cat. And tell Annie I’ll be there to do your hair. Just make sure to let me know what day.”

With a giant smile, Ally blew me a kiss, then spun around and skipped to the door.

I stood and turned to face Brynn, who’d scooted onto one of the barstools and was sipping her drink with her eyes cast down. In one step, I was directly in front of her and leaned in, placing my hands on the bar, caging her between them. “It’s probably a little early for you to meet the family, but”—I shrugged—“we’re already moving at warp speed with our relationship, no reason to stop now.”

“Re–um–relationship?” she squeaked.
