Page 92 of Cloak of Red

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“Are you a cabal conspiracist?”

“As in there’s a group at the very top, pulling all the strings?” He nods with a grin. “I used to think that. But, no, now I think they probably do know each other, but the organization between organizations would be looser. They would only collaborate if it’s beneficial. Like legitimate businesses do.”

“And so your goal is to take them apart? One by one?”

“Climb the ladder.” That’s what we do in all of our stings. Start with the worker bees and hope to find the person in charge. It’s what makes the Toro operation a success, no matter what happens. We’ve got an inside connection high up the ladder. “To go back to the chess analogy, it’s nabbing the pawns, the knights, the queen, until you uncover the king.”

“It’s amazing to me,” Fisher says.

“What?” Nothing I have said is amazing. It’s basic criminal justice strategy.

“You could’ve easily ended up just like your friends Lauren or Zane. Spending your days shopping and living off your parents. Clothes could’ve been your nirvana. Or travel. Or whatever the rich kids are into these days. But you’re not like that at all. You’re on a mission.”

“I guess I am.” I pull my leg up onto the seat. He’s right. Before the abduction, I’d been just like Lauren. The most important thing in my life had been the upcoming Taylor Swift concert. “Before the abduction, I knew crime existed. But in a tangential way.”

“Becoming a victim changes you.”

“I’m not a victim.” My muscles tense at the use of that word. “I’m a survivor.”

“Yes, you are. Strongest woman I’ve ever met.” There’s respect in his tone and those blue eyes. It makes me love him more. “And you’ll get them.”

“Whoever them is,” I say, thinking back to my board of white string connections. I need an in.

My CIA phone vibrates, and I pick it up and check it.

Gemma Toro:

I’m so sorry about today! Feeling better. (celebrate emoji) And so excited you’re coming. Wish you were here now. Rafael is going to be locked in meetings. (sad face emoji) What shall we do tomorrow? (high heel emoji) (champagne emoji) (beach umbrella emoji)

I tap out a message to her and read it to Fisher before sending.


So glad you’re feeling better! (celebrate emoji) We’re driving down now. Decided to avoid the morning rush hour. Want to meet up for dinner? (wine emoji)

“Tell her it can be a girl’s dinner if she wants. Tell her I need to prepare for a client meeting tomorrow.”

“Good idea. She might not want to eat with both of us.”

He clucks his tongue and winks, and I alter the text. After that’s sent, I call my dad. He’s not in my phone directory, but I have his number memorized. And it’s an unknown number to his cell, so of course he doesn’t answer. I leave a message.

“Dad, this is Sophia. Give me a call when you can. This is my work number. I love you.”

“Knocking it all out, huh?”

“Might as well use the drive time productively, right?”

“I can think of some other ways we could use the time.”

“Is that right?”

I lean across the seat and rub his thigh. His grin is devilish.

He says, “You’ve got the right idea,” as my phone vibrates.

I sit back and check the number.

“Dad,” I say, and he nods, eyes on the road. I answer the phone with, “Dad?”

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