Page 37 of The Lie of Us

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Mischief danced in his eyes and he couldn’t fight the smirk as it lifted the corner of his lips. The soft dimples in his cheeks were on display and my chest constricted. I could probably count on one hand the amount of times I had seen them.

“I never said I was good at following directions.”

“I can’t have you here distracting me,” I told him softly as I glanced around to see if anyone had seen us.

Kai slid his hand back to my face and grabbed my chin before guiding my gaze back to his. The mischief had vanished from his eyes and instead there was a touch of curiosity deep in the brewing storm. “Why did you change your number, darling?”

There was no sense in lying.

“Because as much as I wanted you to come back for me, I also didn’t.”

He didn’t frown; there was no falter in his expression. He nodded like he accepted my answer without any question or hesitation. “That’s fair, I suppose. Although, not having your number is forcing my hand. I have no choice but to show up at your work and use means of distraction.”

I laughed softly as I moved away from the bookshelf and ducked under Kai’s arm. Without a second thought, I slipped my hand into his and pulled him to the front desk with me. His hand fit perfectly in mine, with our fingers laced together.

My heart pounded erratically in my chest as we stopped in front of the desk. I glanced at him and noticed he was staring at both of our hands woven together. I quickly released him and grabbed a piece of paper, ignoring the tightening feeling in my chest.

“Here.” I slipped the paper with my number scribbled on it into his hand. “Now you can get a hold of me like a normal person.”

The corners of his lips twitched. “As you wish.”

My heart had crawled into my throat and I watched with conflicting feelings as he left the library without another word. I wanted to hate him for what he did to me—to us—yet I was finding my resolve becoming obsolete. I was no match for the effect Malakai Barclay had on me.

I had given my heart to that beautifully broken boy many years ago.

And much to my dismay, he still held it in his hands.



Standing out on the balcony, I stared out at the ocean as it crashed against the shore. The clouds in the sky were dark and moody with the sun tucked behind them. There was a slight chill to the breeze that floated across the water. A low rumble of thunder sounded across the angry sky and I watched as a bolt of lightning cast its light across the horizon a few seconds later.

Storms were typical here in the afternoons of the summer months. Personally, I looked forward to them, especially since I lived right on the coast. There was something terrifying, yet alluring about the way a thunderstorm rolled across the ocean. It was mesmerizing and at the same time, it could be deadly.

I looked down at the small piece of paper in my hand with Winter’s phone number written on it. I studied the way her handwriting slanted slightly and the curvature to her script-like writing. She used to leave me notes in high school, and I used to reread them over and over when I couldn’t see her.

I still had them to this day, tucked away in a box in my closet.

It had been three days since Winter gave me her number. Three days of avoiding going to the library. And three days of avoiding picking up my phone to text her.

Things were already messy between us and I knew I owed her some space. She didn’t ask for it, but there was a part of me that knew she needed it. I came barreling back into her life without her even having a moment to try and process it. Considering the fact that the first night she saw me in six years sent her spiraling into a full-blown panic attack, it felt like it was the least I could do.

I needed to ease back into her life instead.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I pulled up a new message thread and entered Winter's number. I stared down at the screen for a moment, a rush of adrenaline hitting me like a tidal wave. Thunder rumbled across the angry sky once again and instead of seeking shelter, I sat down at the small table on my balcony.


Hi darling.

There was no hesitation in the message I sent to her. I wasn’t one to overanalyze things, although Winter had a peculiar way of making me question everything. I’d always been sure of myself and the words I chose. As I stared down at my phone, I couldn’t help but have a moment of doubt.



A smile played on my lips and her response was like inhaling a potent toxin. One that induced a high nothing else would ever come close to touching. My mind replayed her message, hearing the sound of her voice whispering my name.
