Page 38 of The Lie of Us

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Is there someone else who addresses you in a similar fashion?


Would it matter if there was?

My jaw twitched and I lifted my eyes out to the ocean. The waves had grown stronger and were crashing against the shore with more force now. The storm was inching closer and I saw streaks of rain falling from the clouds into the water. I needed to get inside before hell poured down from the sky.


I suppose that depends on whether or not you want them to address you the way I do.

Droplets of rain fell onto my skin and a sigh escaped me. I made my way back inside, still with my phone in my hand as I took a seat at the island in my kitchen. Things were always so intense between us. I didn’t want to bring the heaviness upon her, but my curiosity had gotten the better of me.

Winter Reign was the one person who could make me feel safe, yet insecure at the same time. She could have anyone—anything—that she ever wanted in the world. There were times when I couldn’t help myself in needing her assurance that she wanted me in the past.

This was different, though. It was as if we were starting over, yet we had rubble gathered around our feet from the destruction between us in the past.


You’re the only one, Malakai.

I swallowed roughly as I read her words over and over again until they were ingrained in my mind. The guy I saw her with before was nothing. He didn’t matter now. She left him in Vermont.


Do you have plans tonight? I know it is short notice, but I would like to take you out.


I don’t have anything going on. What did you have in mind?

A part of me was surprised she didn't turn me down. I wasn’t sure what to expect with her anymore and a part of me hated that. Winter was never predictable. I knew her better than anyone else and I tried to read her like a chess board, yet I could never figure out what her next move was going to be. She always had a way of surprising me when I least expected it.

She was predictable when it came to other people. Always proper and polite, Winter Reign never spoke out of tone or out of place. She knew how she was expected to behave as her parents taught her from a young age. I couldn’t help but admire the woman Winter had grown to be after listening to the way she spoke to Mrs. Danbury at the charity event.

Winter was playing by her own rules, she wasn’t here to make sure she didn’t step out of line anymore. She wasn’t holding anything back with anyone, and it was different from how she used to be. I personally loved the way she had evolved.


Well, I was thinking we could maybe get dinner somewhere.

I hadn’t really thought past that, considering the fact that I wasn’t sure she was even going to respond to me. She was a wild card.


That sounds perfect. Did you have a place or a time in mind?


I’ll pick you up at 7, if that is enough time for you?

I glanced at the watch on my wrist to check the time. That would give her about an hour and a half to get ready. That felt like it would be a sufficient amount of time for her, but I wasn’t sure. I had dated other women since high school in an effort to expunge Winter’s memory from my mind, but I never paid much attention to these kinds of things.

I never fully paid attention to anyone but Winter and her needs.

Even if I had made some decisions in the past that didn’t fit what she had in mind.
