Page 59 of The Lie of Us

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I rolled my eyes at him as he set my foot down, handed me my skate, and grabbed my other ankle. “So, see me instead. See me with you and not him.”

His blue eyes met mine in a rush and he was silent for a moment. “Okay. At this point, nothing else has worked and I have nothing to lose. Let’s try it.”

Malakai set down my other foot and I dried off my skates before putting them back into my bag. I slid my feet back into my shoes and watched him as he was pulling out his phone.

“I’m going to call the country club and see if they have any tee times available today.”

I nodded as I rose to my feet. “I just need to speak to the director of skating and then I’ll be ready to go.”

Kai reached out and grabbed my bag from me as he lifted his phone to his ear. “I’ll meet you out front.”

He turned and began to walk toward the exit as I made my way over to the front desk. Linda was out of her office so I left a message for her with an inquiry for more information on coaching. It wasn’t something I was sure I would be able to dedicate a lot of time to, but if I could help give back to the rink that sculpted me into the skater I was, I wanted to do that.

* * *

Sitting in my seat on the golf cart, I watched Kai swing his golf club with such force, it made a cracking sound as it connected with the dimpled white ball. My lips parted and I stared down the fairway as his ball went soaring through the air. His talent always amazed me. He was designed to master this sport and with the way his muscles flexed and rippled with his movements, I had no problem watching him play.

He strode back to the cart with a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. “Did you want to hit one?”

A soft laugh escaped me and I shook my head. “I’m just here to watch.”

“Enjoying the view?”

I smiled at him as he dropped into his seat. “Immensely.”


His hand was on my thigh, lightly tracing patterns as he drove through the grass to where his ball was. I watched again as he took another shot, landing it directly on the green a few yards from the hole. His jaw was tense as he climbed back onto the golf cart.

I followed him onto the green and walked over to the hole as I pulled the pin out and held it. I watched him carefully as he assessed the slope and angle with his jaw still clenched. He took a practice swing and lined up his shot. The muscles in his arms were tightened and the veins running up his forearms were on display.

He pulled back and then froze just before the ball. He squeezed his eyes shut, giving his head a vicious shake. I watched the turmoil and torment across his expression as he looked from his ball to the hole. This was the struggle he had been experiencing and I felt nothing but guilt for the way it was affecting him.

“Relax, Kai,” I said softly. It was proper etiquette to remain silent as someone took a shot, but I couldn’t stand here and watch him internally suffering. “Control your breathing and loosen your muscles.”

His chest rose as his lungs expanded with the deep breath he inhaled. He remained unmoving, still staring at the hole. His body had relaxed slightly, but his jaw was still clenched with determination.

“Malakai,” I spoke a little louder, but my voice remained soft. “Look at me.”

His gaze met mine in a rush and it felt like the oxygen was being ripped from my lungs. “Every time I go to hit it, I see your face and you laughing at something that imbecile said.”

“I’m here with you, Kai. Not him. He doesn’t exist in my life.” I paused for a moment, swallowing back the emotion that welled in my throat. “You do. My world is caught in your orbit, circling around you. Forever consumed.” I let out a breath.

He stared back at me with such intensity, it shook me to my core. I never felt more exposed in front of him in my life. I was bare, bones and flesh as he ripped open my rib cage and made his way back to the home he had made for himself in my heart.

“Youaremy life, Winter.” Emotion brewed in the abysmal depths of his stormy eyes. “My existence is eternally obsolete without you.”

I was forever lost to him. “You will never have to live in a world without me.”

His eyes lingered on mine for a moment longer before he directed his attention back to his putter. He lined up his shot and took it. I held my breath, watching as anticipation fluttered in my stomach as the ball rolled across the green, coming directly toward me. It was a flawless shot and the ball sank into the hole with absolute precision and skill.

Kai’s eyes widened and his feet were cemented to the ground as he stared at the hole in front of me. I exhaled, a smile lifting my lips. He tore his gaze away and it flashed to mine as he looked at me with pure shock.

“I can’t remember the last time that happened,” he said, his voice barely audible. He smiled at me. A full smile that reached his eyes that were filled with adoration. His dimples were out again. “It was because of you, Winter. God—it’s always been you.”

I leaned down and picked up his ball before putting the pin back in place. As I stood back up, I walked toward him and tossed the ball to him. “Come on,” I smiled when I reached him and shifted onto my toes to kiss his soft lips. “Let’s go do it again.”

* * *
