Page 60 of The Lie of Us

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Kai finished the rest of the course, scoring better than he had in months. Every shot he made, his gaze met mine first and it was as if it helped him get out of his head. He focused on me, on the game in front of him. And he played flawlessly. He truly made it seem like it was easy with how effortless he looked.

We decided on dinner at the restaurant at the country club. My footsteps felt lighter as I stepped inside, feeling like I had just helped Kai conquer the world. He asked me to come in and get a table for us while he took his bag back to the car and he returned the golf cart. The restaurant was relatively busy, but I was able to get a table for us.

My back was facing the door and I was preoccupied with looking at the menu when he arrived. The seat across from me was pulled out and I lifted my gaze. My lips parted as I was about to ramble about something insignificant when it felt like the floor was falling out from beneath my feet. A much older version of Kai was staring at me as he took a seat across from me.

Winston Barclay.

His hair was the same shade of sand like Kai’s, although it was peppered with gray from his age. His angular face was hardened and he watched me with a cruel look in his blue eyes.

“Hello, Winter.” His voice was low, his tone as cold as ice. “I was hoping to run into you soon.”

My stomach was in my throat and I stared back at him like a deer in headlights. My fight or flight instincts were kicking in. The adrenaline was coursing through my system and I wasn’t sure I could handle it. My heart was threatening to beat out of my chest.

Not only did Kai’s father hate me because of my interest in Kai, he hated my family even more. Winston Barclay was a dirty businessman and everyone knew it. He wasn’t afraid of insider trading and breaking laws to capitalize and grow his empire. My parents didn’t agree with his methods and when they turned down a business deal with him, they were immediately moved on to his shit list.

“Hello, Mr. Barclay,” I forced the words out, although I couldn’t quite force a smile onto my face. My stomach was sour and my heart pounded harder and harder as the seconds stretched between us. I glanced around, looking for Kai.

He was assessing me with his frigid stare. “From my understanding, you and my son have been spending a decent amount of time together.”

I was struggling to maintain my composure. My surroundings were growing closer, yet louder and brighter. I was in sensory overload, thanks to my anxiety, and I was bordering on the edge of a panic attack. I counted my breaths in my head, trying to slow my heart rate.

“People talk, Miss Reign. It was only a matter of time until I found out.” He paused for a moment as he folded his hands on the table. “You need to walk away from him. You are not helping his golf career and quite frankly, he belongs with someone of higher status than a Reign.”

His words were like a blow to the chest. My lungs constricted and I struggled to inhale. The room was thick with tension and it was only increasingly becoming more suffocating with every passing second. My mouth was dry, yet I was frozen. My glass of water was right in front of me, but I couldn’t move. I was paralyzed with fear as he caught me off guard and my mind was spiraling.

This man hated his son, he rooted against him and wanted him to fail, but he didn’t want him to fail that badly. He still expected Kai to meet his expectations, even if it would never be enough for him. And in Winston’s eyes, I would never be enough for Kai. I was inferior because of him hating my parents.

“I won’t walk away from him again,” I said quietly, finally forcing the words from my mouth. I was shaking in my seat, standing up to the one person I feared the most. I hated him for what he did to Kai; I was also equally terrified of what he could still do to Kai.

Winston clicked his tongue and shook his head as he lifted the glass of water that was meant for Kai to his lips. He took a long sip. “I’m not asking you, Winter. I am telling you.” He set the glass down and his eyes hardened. “You will walk away from my son and you will not look back. If you do not go of your own accord, I will have it arranged.”

There was a chill from his threat that rippled down my spine.

“What are you doing here?” Kai’s voice sounded from behind me.

His father gave me one last cold glare before lifting his gaze to Kai. “Malakai.” He motioned to the seat beside me. “Take a seat. The three of us will dine together.”

“Absolutely not.” Kai’s hands were on the back of my seat, pulling it away from the table. I finally turned my head to the side to meet his gaze. Everything was moving too fast and the motion made me feel dizzy. I couldn’t breathe. My heart was beating so hard it was going to burst. My tongue felt like it was going to lodge in the back of my throat. Nothing felt right and I needed to get out of there.

Kai’s eyebrows were drawn together as he scanned my face with concern. I stared back at him as realization dawned on him. He held his hand out for me and I slid my palm against his. “Come on, Winter.”

“Sit down, Malakai.”

His father’s voice was stern, yet he wouldn't raise his voice here and cause a scene. It sounded so distant as I rose to my feet. My knees felt weak, but Kai was there. He was here. He was leading me away, without a second glance or word to his father.

One hand was on the small of my back, guiding me, as the other held on to my arm. “I got you, darling. It’s okay.” His voice was soft. So soft and so gentle as he led me outside to his car. Everything was distorted and I was floating. It was almost as if I were in a dream-like state. None of this was real.

Kai’s voice was soft against my ear as he helped me into the car. “I’m here, Winter. You’re safe with me.”

He was real.

He was always real.



The moment I saw her face and saw the glossed-over look in her frightened eyes, I knew what was happening. Winter was spiraling in her mind, deep into a panic attack. She had them when we were younger. Sometimes they were triggered by nothing, but most times there was some event that sent her anxiety into overdrive.
