Page 56 of Toxic Obsession

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"Sadie, stop," he ordered. My gaze flicked over my shoulder, but I didn't slow down until I slammed hard into something, nearly knocking myself to the ground. "Stop her." My gaze flicked up to KJ as his hand curled around my arm.

"What happened?" KJ asked as Jayden stormed toward us.

"Did you know he was engaged?" I growled, trying to jerk my arm out of his grip.

"Ahh." He smirked. "You meant Bella." Of course, he knew. I was the only fool who didn't know. "You should talk to Jayden. It's not what you think."

"Oh, no? So he's not engaged to be married to the pretty brunette unpacking her things in his bedroom?"

"Okay." He scowled. "So, maybe it's kind of what you think." I rolled my eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Jayden asked KJ.

"Bri called," he answered. "She told me your parents were here, and you may need backup, but she didn't mention Bella being here."

"She didn't know," Jayden muttered.

"This is super sweet and all," I groaned, "but can I go?" I jerked against KJ's grip again, but his fingers only tightened.

"I got this," Jayden said, wrapping his hand around my other arm at the same time KJ released me. "Go." He shoved me toward his truck. "We'll be back. Go inside and ref for Bri. If my mother gets a hold of her, she'll tear her apart." KJ nodded and strolled toward the house. "Get in the truck."

"No." I wasn't going anywhere with him. "You should get your fiancé."

"Get in the fucking truck, Sadie," he growled, his tone low and threatening, but I didn't care. I was not getting in the truck willingly with a man who was engaged to be married to someone else.

He threw open the door to the backseat. His grip tightened as he shoved me up toward the truck, and with every ounce of dead weight, I dropped to the ground so hard that if he hadn't been holding my arm, I would have slammed into the pavement.

"Don't play with me, Sadie," he growled. "Get the fuck up." I didn't move. "Fine, we can do this the hard way." He reached down, grabbed me around the waist, jerked me up, and shoved my dead weight into the truck's backseat.

He pulled himself in, and I slid across the bench seat, jerking the passenger side door open, but he was too fast. His hand curled around my arm, spinning me back.

"Sadie, stop it," he said as I fought against him.

"No, Jayden," I shouted. "You are engaged. I want to leave."

"No," he snarled, holding me with one and ripping off his belt with the other. Grabbing one of my wrists, he looped his belt around it.

"What the fuck?" I hissed, fighting him. "No." I knew it was game over if he managed to restrain me with that belt. I was stuck, so I fought hard, kicking and hitting, struggling to escape to the open passenger door. I thought I was getting somewhere until he twisted, pinning me underneath him. He looped the belt around my other wrist, and it was over. He tied the belt to the front passenger seat.

"Fuck," he growled, wiping the blood off his cheek where I scratched him. I ground my teeth together, and my chest heaved with anger.

He slid out of the back of the truck, ran around, slammed the passenger door, and then slid into the front driver's side, quickly starting the truck and pulling out of the driveway. I didn't know where we were going, and I didn't care.

I had no choice but to listen to whatever bull he was about to spew, but it wouldn't make a difference. I was done. He needed to go back to the girl he'd promised forever and leave me alone.

Jayden swerved into the dark parking lot of a deserted park before untying me from the seat and removing me from the truck.

"Hands, please," I growled through my teeth, holding my restrained wrist out to him when my feet hit the ground. He ignored me, jerking against the belt strap and dragging me stumbling behind him. "Where are we going?" He didn't answer as he pulled me deeper into the park's darkness.

He was going to kill me. I’d finally pissed him off enough that he was going to kill me.

He stopped underneath the monkey bars. Reaching up, he tugged the strap over the bars lifting my wrists over my head.

"Oh no," I panicked, fighting against him using all my weight, but it was too late. He secured the belt to the bars above my head. "Jayden, let me go now." I wrapped my hands around the strap, helping to take some of the weight off my wrists.

"No." His tone was more aggravated than angry. "You're going to shut up and listen now."

"You had your chance to explain everything, and you left out the fucking fiancé part," I hissed. "There's nothing to talk about. Let me go."
