Page 6 of Toxic Obsession

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"What are you doing here?" I twisted to remove his fingers from inside my jeans.

"I came looking for my Rally Girl."

"Well, then go find her and leave me alone," I said, leaning forward to gather my things from the table.

"Found her," he teased. It took me a minute to realize he meant me.

"Are you insane," I hissed. "I would rather chew off my own arm and eat it."

"You did suck my dick during the Rally Girl initiation." He shrugged. "That kind of makes you my Rally Girl."

"That was because I thought your friends were going to rape mine," I said through clenched teeth, getting louder with each word. "You manipulated me, and that will never happen again."

The corner of his lip curled up. "If you say so."

"What do you want?"

"I told you," he muttered. "I'm here to get my Rally Girl."

"I'm not interested in being your Rally Girl," I snapped. "Hundreds of girls try out every year to be your rally. Pick one of them."

"Don't want one of them," he said dryly.

"Was I not clear last night when I called you an asshole?" I cocked my head to the side and narrowed my eyes."I don't like you."

"I like a challenge."

"A challenge," I mocked dramatically. "I am not a challenge. I'm legit not interested in you."

"So, you've said." He flashed a smile, looking highly amused.

"I'm serious." I narrowed my eyes. "I'm not interested in you."

"Yet," he said, reaching out and catching a loose strand of my dark hair and twirling it through his fingers.This was a game for him, but I wasn't interested in playing.

"Never," I said, swatting his hand away. My gaze flicked from Jayden to the window when Alyssa passed by. "Look, I don't know what game you're playing, but I don't want to play it with you." I stood, flinging my bag over my shoulder. "I have to go, and I truly hope to never see you again."

"See you soon, Sadie," he said as I pushed through the front entrance. I rolled my eyes but didn't turn around to respond. It wasn't worth it. I wanted to find Alyssa.

"Alyssa," I shouted when I spotted her a few yards ahead. She didn't stop. I picked up my pace, closing the distance between us. "Alyssa," I called again from closer this time. She still didn't stop. "Alyssa, please just give me one minute."

"What?" She spun to face me. "What do you want, Sadie?"

"I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't know, and I thought they were going to hurt you."

"Look, Sadie," she said, her tone firm but not angry. "If I had told you any of this, you would have judged me. You would have given me all the reasons I was wrong for wanting this, and I don't care if I'm wrong."

"How do you know?" I asked. "You didn't give me a chance."

"I know you," she said. "You're okay with being a nobody. You're fine with being invisible. You hate football and everything that goes with it, and truthfully, I do too, but I'm tired of being a nobody. I'm tired of being the outcast in this town. We are in college. We should be having the time of our lives, and I'm miserable."

"I'm sorry, Alyssa," I said. "I didn't realize."

"Yeah," she said. "Thanks to you, I'm even more invisible than before." Her gaze moved over my shoulder. "But you're not." Her tone changed. She was angry. "You're a Rally Girl now." She lifted her hand, gesturing to something behind me. "And Jayden's Rally Girl at that." Her jaw clenched. "Jayden doesn't just pick anyone to be his Rally Girl. That must have been one hell of a blow job."

"I am not his Rally Girl," I shouted. I didn't want to be a Rally Girl. I didn't even want to be in this situation, but he wasn't giving me much of a choice. "I want him to fuck off, but he won't."

"Perfect." She choked out a sarcastic laugh. "So, you ruined my chance and ended up getting what I wanted, and you don't even want it." I opened my mouth to defend myself, but she threw her hand out to stop me. "I can't do this, Sadie. I can't be your friend anymore." Her shoulders sank as she turned and walked away.
